13 Tips To Motivate Yourself To Exercise After Work


13 Tips To Motivate Yourself To Exercise After Work

You know that feeling you get after you’ve worked out? You are all sweaty and pumped up and you feel like a beast. Oh yeah! That feels good. Exercise is good. We all want to exercise. Heck, I even think of myself as a fitness freak. But bringing myself to the gym after a long day at work…well that’s a whole different story altogether. Exercise after work is hard. Period.

Let’s take a rain check. Or may be NOT.

I am NOT a morning person. I hate waking up early. But there’s something I hate even more. Those crazy people who wake up early and have an awesome workout session even before I have woken up. Yup. I hate those ruthless people. So I prefer to workout after work. But that comes with its own set of challenges. The moment I leave from work, the first thing I feel is hungry. Then there’s happy hours, my girlfriend who keeps asking when I am getting home and finally I start missing Netflix. I feel like taking a rain check and skip gym and head straight to the comfort of my normal unfit life.

But I don’t. Irrespective of how tired and reluctant I am to workout, I do it anyways. And that’s what you need: motivation. To be precise, self motivation. However, it may be easier said than done. There will be challenges and a thousand reasons for you to not work out after work, but there will only be one reason for you to go straight to the gym once you leave from your office. That reason is self development and self love. You love yourself and respect yourself too much to give up on your dreams.

This is where, ladies and gentlemen, we fight. We fight our lazy selves.

Let it begin.

Why is it so hard to exercise after work

So you have toiled for 8-9 hours straight (or even more on some days) at work, you still have emails to send, projects to submit, dates to go on and friends to meet. And among all of this you also need to manage some alone time just to be with yourself. Squeezing in your work out sessions between all of this can surely be the biggest challenge.

And this is where we make the biggest mistake: “Screw it. I’ll go tomorrow.” But that tomorrow never comes.

It’s not easy for me to go to the gym after work when I am already exhausted and then wait in line every time I want to bench or run on the treadmill. It’s frustrating and it pisses me off quite frankly. If you’re like me, then I am sure you know what I mean. Going back to your home is easy. It’s what your body and mind wants. Just to eat, get some rest, watch a movie and sleep.

But that’s natural. We are supposed to feel lazy on a physical level. This is how we conserve energy. We are programmed like that. Instinctively, we want to avoid needless exertion. But this programmed laziness comes from the fact that our cavemen ancestors had to work hard and hunt to gather food for themselves. So they saved their energy for hunting and surviving. In this digital era, when you can get food by tapping a food delivery app on your phone, what are you even conserving your energy for? Nothing. It’s time you sneak exercise into your daily routine.

Read 6 Simple Ways to Sneak Exercise into Your Daily Routine

Be your own motivation

The moment I clock out from work, I focus only on that single calm voice that tells me that I need to go to the gym and work out like a beast right now. Sure, it’s easy to get tempted by the sensuous thoughts of going home and relax. But I don’t. I workout after work, 5 times a week. That’s my commitment and dedication to being a better version of myself. There’s a passion inside that drives me and I choose to fuel it through my hard work and execution.

I know you feel that inside you too. Else you wouldn’t be reading this right now. You’d be watching Netflix or something. But you’re not. It means you feel that fire inside you too. You just need to ignite it now.

So if you want to go to the gym straight from your office and pursue your fitness goals like a beast, then here are a few tips that will help you get started.

Remember, “Pain is weakness leaving the body.”

13 Tips To Motivate Yourself To Exercise After Work

#1 Pack your workout gear before going to work

Mornings are crazy. So make sure you pack your workout clothes and gear in your gym bag the night before. You can place it next to your office clothes or bag or even put it in your car so that you don’t forget it. Packing your exercise gear will give you a subconscious push that you need to go to the gym after work. Build the habit of going to the gym straight from the office. It can work wonders.

#2 Eat right

Personally, I prefer taking small meals at certain intervals. This is very hard for me as I am a junk food enthusiast. But working out means more to me than that cheesesteak burger. No. I am not asking you to eat a salad. But you know your body and you know which type of food makes you feel lazy. Snack on some healthy food like a protein bar that will give you energy instead of making you feel lazy. You don’t want to be too full or too hungry when you leave from work and before going to the gym.

#3 Drink enough water

This one’s a no-brainer but its still crucial. Drink enough water throughout the entire day. Even when you think you’ve drank enough, drink some more. Keep your body hydrated. You will need it.

#4 Have a cuppa joe

Drink a cup of coffee in the afternoon, if possible after lunch. Caffeine will give you the kick you need to exercise after work and get you pumped for your workout later. However, make sure you don’t overdo it. I am sure you don’t want to keep yourself up all night.

Read Work Is Always An Antidote To Depression

#5 Change into your workout clothes before leaving office

The moment you get into your workout clothes, you send signals to your brain that you are prepared for your training session. After a long tiring day at work, feeling exhausted is natural. Changing your clothes to your exercise gear will give your brain a boost and prepare it for what’s coming next: The Gym!

#6 Get Psyched

So now you have changed your clothes but you are still not feeling it. That fire is not burning bright. Right? Screw it. Make yourself go to the gym by any means necessary. Force yourself like you would make a child to eat their greens. You know it’s good for you. So just force yourself. Tell yourself: skipping is not an option. I always feel tired and exhausted while I am stuck in traffic on my way to the gym. My mind comes up with a new excuse every minute about why I should go home. I just listen to all the well-thought of reasons my mind tells me and then I go to the gym anyways. That’s how it’s done.

Read 9 Ways How Simple Morning Exercise Can Boost Your Productivity

#7 Do not go home first

Go straight to the gym. Going back home is a bad idea. The moment you step in through that front door, you will lose whatever little motivation you had. Our home makes us feel warm, comfortable and safe. It can instantly change your mindset and make all your hard work go to waste. Don’t go home even if your gym is in your neighborhood. Just don’t.

#8 Get a gym buddy

Motivating yourself is hard work and staying motivated for after-work workout is even harder. Working out feels like a bad idea when you are having doubts about going to the gym after work on a regular basis. Getting a gym buddy or workout partner can make things easier for you as both of you can encourage each other to achieve your fitness goals. It can be your friend, your significant other or even your coworker. Having a friend is always a great idea.

#9 Have a killer playlist

I can’t workout unless I am plugged into my favorite workout music. I always have Rob Bailey and The Hustle Standard & Eminem on my playlist. It keeps me pumped and makes me want to workout. Even before I hit the gym, I start listening to my favorite tracks to get myself in to the mood. So make sure you create a playlist with music you find motivating. Music can immediately change your mood and motivate you in an instant. Just make sure you don’t forget your earbuds.

#10 Mix it up

Going to the gym every day can feel boring and tiring. You see the same old people queuing up before the same old equipment. It’s sweaty and stuffy. And sometimes, you just don’t want to lift. So it’s important to switch it up and mix your training with weight lifting, body weight training and cardio to keep it fun and interesting. I, personally, do weights 3 times a week and take a kickboxing class 3 days a week. I also do some cardio at home along with some running days. Mixing up your workouts will keep it fresh and interesting. You will look forward to your training sessions and be excited for it.

Read 8 Foot Exercises That Can Cure Back Pain in minutes

#11 Follow a code

I have a code that no matter how exhausting or crazy my week is, I will workout at least 4 days a week NO MATTER WHAT. Even if I have to skip the gym due to late office hours, I do some body-weight exercises and cardio training when I get home. A simple 20 minute routine makes all the difference to my day. That’s my code. You need to make your own rules and your own code that you will stick to irrespective of what happens.

#12 Share your gains

Take a neat selfie of your gains and post them on Instagram. Show off your progress and your body to your friends and family. Let them see your hard work and dedication. When your friends see your progress, you will be accountable to yourself to progress further. This will keep you motivated to exercise after work and stick to your routine. Once your friends have seen your new awesome gains, you won’t want them to see your old unfit version again. Right? Plus when you look good, you feel good. Let the compliments pour in.

#13 Reward yourself for your hard work

What’s the point of making all these sacrifices if you don’t have some fun in return? Set weekly fitness goals and once you achieve them, treat yourself. Take yourself out to dinner with your friends or partner and indulge. Cheat days are GOOD. Eat whatever your heart desires. Buy some new workout clothes. Get a new pair of jeans that fit your toned waist perfectly. Get a massage. Do whatever you like. You’ve earned this. However, make sure you cheat ONLY on your cheat days, else it won’t be that fun.

Get started!

It’s not easy to go to the gym after a long day of deadlines and getting yelled at by your boss. Trust me, I know! But it will be worth it. You don’t need to put in hours at your gym. Just go for a quick 30-45 minute workout session even when you don’t feel like it. It will make you feel a lot better once you’re done and make you feel like your day wasn’t a total waste.

So make a routine and make sure you stick to it. It can actually change your life. And the awesome body you will get after a few months, that’s just a bonus. So go ahead and be a beast.

Read 5 Of The Best Stress Relief Exercises For A Calm Mind & Body

As they say, train insane or remain the same.

13 Tips To Motivate Yourself To Exercise After Work
13 Tips To Motivate Yourself To Exercise After Work

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