The Real Truth Behind Anxiety That We Don’t Always See


The Real Truth Behind Anxiety That We Don’t Always See

How I Behave: Need to be in control all the time.
Why I Behave This Way: “If I don’t do it myself, something will go wrong.”

How I Behave: Cancelling plans.
Why I Behave This Way: “I feel worried about socializing and feel drained since I’m always on high alert.”

How I Behave: Feeling easily irritated.
Why I Behave This Way: “I feel out of control whenever I’m stressed or worried.”

How I Behave: Overanalyzing situations.
Why I Behave This Way: “I have to always prepare myself for the worst-case scenario.”

How I Behave: Replying to messages late.
Why I Behave This Way: “I tend to shut down when I am overwhelmed or worried.”

How I Behave: Reading too much into things.
Why I Behave This Way: “I feel anxious about what people think about me.”

How I Behave: Wanting to know what the plans are much ahead of time.
Why I Behave This Way: “I have trouble handling uncertainty and end up overthinking.”

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