Tag: social media

  • Social Media’s Influence on ‘Bigorexia’: The Rise of Muscle Dysmorphia in Men and Teenage Boys

    Social Media’s Influence on ‘Bigorexia’: The Rise of Muscle Dysmorphia in Men and Teenage Boys

  • Unveiling the ‘Dorito Theory’: How Understanding Unsatisfying Behaviors Can Aid in Breaking Social Media Addiction

    Unveiling the ‘Dorito Theory’: How Understanding Unsatisfying Behaviors Can Aid in Breaking Social Media Addiction

  • Understanding “Popcorn Brain”: How Social Media Impacts Attention Span and Mental Health

    Understanding “Popcorn Brain”: How Social Media Impacts Attention Span and Mental Health

  • Embracing the Trend: The Rise of Dopamine Detox – A Fashionable Respite from Social Media

    Embracing the Trend: The Rise of Dopamine Detox – A Fashionable Respite from Social Media

  • Britain Explores Further Measures to Safeguard Teens on Social Media: A Closer Look at the Online Safety Act

    Britain Explores Further Measures to Safeguard Teens on Social Media: A Closer Look at the Online Safety Act

  • Study Exposes the Alarming Link Between Social Media Likes and Escalating Online Hate

    Study Exposes the Alarming Link Between Social Media Likes and Escalating Online Hate

  • Understanding the Multifaceted Causes of Youth Mental Health Challenges

    Understanding the Multifaceted Causes of Youth Mental Health Challenges

  • Unveiling the Holiday Stress: Social Media’s Impact and Strategies for Maintaining Well-being

    Unveiling the Holiday Stress: Social Media’s Impact and Strategies for Maintaining Well-being

  • The Social Media Ripple Effect: Understand How Psychiatric Disorders Spread Among Teen Girls

    The Social Media Ripple Effect: Understand How Psychiatric Disorders Spread Among Teen Girls