Stress Relief (Psychologist)

Whenever I glare at the structure of your face, I find beauty and strength all organized in a harmonious manner. Whenever you let me discern in to the depth of your soul, I discover the cenotaphs of power near the vicinity of your heart that is vibrant enough to for see the darkest aura and also incorporates hope, desire of contentment, self-love, optimism and competency. A perfect shimmer and a balanced saturation amid the dark and the slightly lighter places is more upfront than the delineation itself. I listen attentively to the emotional distresses you mention in every appointment and I do refer them with the different colors painted in an alluring manner. The orange color with in you might depict sadness as you say but recognizing a color so stressful to your thoughts is a representation that you desire to overcome this despair. A little sorrow is helpful regarding the orange color but believe me a regular orange color is a sign of ambition and relaxation. We will work in collaboration to make your orange color a happy color. As far as the cute pink color is concerned, I understand that your emptiness comes to you wearing a shrilling pink gown. We can work as an association and make your pink color look like a soft and eye relaxing color. Lastly, the black color corresponds to the two sides of a coin, one side connotes depression while the other side stands for sense of security. I promise you, we will succeed in completing the journey from darkness to sanctuary and haven. Your color wheel is the most attractive color cycle, with ridges, ups and downs but a ray of hope, a sunshine of courage and faith. Believe in your inner voice and it will lead you to each and every bright and contented colors. Each color loves you and the time is not far away when you yourself will confess the love for each and every color of life.
Asma Rashid
IG : Decipherable Writings

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Life Paradoxes

Life Paradoxes

The journey of self-discovery, often perceived as an individualistic pursuit, paradoxically leads to an awareness of interconnectedness. 

When delving into our own identity and understanding, we frequently encounter the realization that our existence is deeply intertwined with the broader fabric of humanity and the world. 

It suggests that by exploring our personal depths, we uncover the threads that connect us to others, emphasizing the shared experiences and interconnected nature of human existence.

~Monika Ajay Kaul

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Simplicity, a whisper in the quiet,A gentle melody, soft and unspent.Stripping away the unnecessary riot,Leaving behind only what’s meant.In the silence, a beauty unveiled,A dance of essence, gracefully paired.No need for embellishments, finely detailed,Simplicity’s embrace, a soul bared.A canvas uncluttered, a poem unsaid,In simplicity’s realm, the profound is spread.A tranquil river, no chaos to be led,Where clarity reigns, like dreams widespread

~ Monika Ajay Kaul

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The BEAUTY OF RANDOMNESS lies in its unpredictable dance. A symphony of chance that creates unique moments, unveiling the unexpected in a world that often craves order. In the chaos of randomness, there’s a captivating allure. A reminder that life’s most extraordinary moments are often born from the ‘unplanned’.ย Spontaneous.ย 

~Monika Ajay Kaul 

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Little Things Aren’t Really Little..!

Little Things Aren't Really Little

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These seemingly little things, like stardust in the vast cosmos, carry the weight of entire universes, etching moments that echo across time.

~ Monika Ajay Kaulย 

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love Monika Ajay Kaul

Love, the silent philosopher of our journey, whispers that its true magic is in the subtle symphony of shared glances and gentle touchesโ€”a language beyond words. It’s the alchemy turning ordinary moments into cherished memories, where hearts, like wanderers, find solace in the beauty of connection, discovering that love is not just a destination but the very essence of the endless voyage we call life.

~Monika Ajay Kaul

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Let Whoever Think Whatever

Let whoever think whatever

Let whoever think whatever. It’s your life not theirs.- Debra Pry

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Keep Doing What You Have To Do

Keep Doing What You Have To Do

Keep doing what you have to do, until you can do what you want to do.- Debra Pry