5 Ways To Stop Taking Your Life for Granted and Boost Your Mood


Ways Stop Taking Life for Granted Boost Your Mood

Are you who like many other people, takes their life for granted? How about you stop for a moment and enjoy life for what it is?

Remember when you first started dating someone new, got that job offer, or moved into your new place (insert other exciting life change here) and you were feeling on top of the world? That feeling can be addictive and is what motivates many people to continuously chase โ€œthe next hitโ€ with achievements, buying things, or new relationships.   

While these exciting changes can often contribute to a short-term burst of happiness, they seem to lose their appeal after some time has passed. This is because our brains are hardwired to become adapted to any life changes that occur withย research demonstrating that peopleโ€™s happiness levels usually go back to baseline after some time has passed since the change occurred. What this means is that we are prone to taking pretty much everything in our lives for granted, which can have a detrimental impact on our moods and our relationships.ย  What if you could recapture and savor those initial feelings of excitement and happiness?

The good news is there are many ways to do that, below are 5 ways to get you started: 

1. Savor the moment and practice mindfulness. 

Think back to the times in your life when you were the happiest and youโ€™ll recognize that you were often fully present in those moments. When you are fully present, you are able to savor the moment and experience gratitude for it without taking it for granted. Next time you are experiencing an enjoyable moment, practice staying present, and savoring it with all of your senses.

2. Practice gratitude. 

Practicing gratitude regularly can counteract your tendency to take things for granted and research has demonstrated it can increase your happiness. There are many ways to practice gratitude. Some simple ways to start practicing are to use a gratitude journal to write down the things you are grateful for a few times/week or use a gratitude jar to write down something you are grateful for on a post-it note and put it in a jar for 30 days, then read over these notes whenever you are feeling stressed or having a rough day.

Want to know more about how gratitude can help? Read 5 Ways Gratitude Can Change Your Life

3. Acknowledge the positive changes that have occurred over time in your life. 

We often keep striving for the next achievement without realizing we have achieved so much more than we have realized and in the process, we end up taking our present life for granted. Taking time to intentionally reflect on the progress you have made can reduce your tendency to take things for granted and boost your mood.  Think back to a time in your life when you were struggling and write a letter telling your former self about your current life. Reflect on the following questions: In what ways are things in my life different now? In what ways have I changed or progressed since that time? What are some things my younger self would be surprised about and proud of me for?

4. Reflect on the things youโ€™re taking for granted from a different perspective. 

Write a list of the experiences or relationships in your life you believe you are taking for granted. Imagine how another person that doesnโ€™t have these experiences or relationships in their life might perceive the items on your list. You can also reflect about would happen if a particular relationship or experience wasnโ€™t in your life anymore and how that would impact you (which is an exercise called Mental Subtraction). When we see things we take for granted through another personโ€™s eyes or we imagine how we would feel if we no longer had these things in our lives, it can offer a fresh perspective and increase our appreciation of our current relationships as well as experiences.ย ย 

Life for granted

5. Plan novel experiences and fun activities to look forward to.

Introducing some novelty into your life can help reduce your tendency to take things for granted. Plus research shows that looking forward to the activity can promote even more happiness than the activity itself. Think about what activities, hobbies, or exercises used to bring you joy and excitement that you havenโ€™t done in a while. If youโ€™re not sure where to start, consider taking a fun class where you try a new activity or try thinking about activities that brought you joy (regardless of outcome) when you were younger.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your mental health professional or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your condition or well-being. 

Dr. Zarrabi is the author of Mindful Dating, a Psychology Today blog about attraction and relationship patterns. Check it out at www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mindful-dating

Written by Roxy Zarrabi

Originally Appeared In Dr. Roxy Zarrabi

Life is a beautiful thing to go through and experience. Yes, it has its ups and downs, but that doesn’t make it not worth living. If you have been taking your life for granted, then you still have time to make that right. Take one step at a time, and enjoy every moment and feeling that you are getting to experience. Only then will you be able to live your life to the fullest.

If you want to know more about how you can stop taking your life for granted, then check this video out below:

Ways Stop Taking Life for Granted Boost Your Mood pin
5 Ways To Stop Taking Your Life for Granted and Boost Your Mood

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