The Importance Of Social Connections For Your Health


Social Connections For Your Health

Humans, by nature, are social beings. However, living in the age of technology, we have changed our perspective on social interaction, and we have become more withdrawn. The World Health Organization defines health as the โ€œstate of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.โ€ So, you see, social well-being is an essential aspect of our health, one whose importance cannot be denied. Let us find out more information on the subject.

#1 Social Connections Give You A Sense Of Belonging

Ever since we are little, we are taught that we belong to a community, to a group of people, to a home. But, as we grow up, sometimes, we can lose that sense of belonging and end up feeling all depressed. When you form social connections, even in a new city or country, you will re-discover that sense of belonging and feel much better. The important thing is that you form such connections with like-minded people so that you do not feel like the whole experience is forced.

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#2 Social Connections Can Help You Stay More Focused

When you spend too much time by yourself, your mind tends to wander and not necessarily in a good direction. You might even experience memory problems, especially from a certain age. Well, by forming adequate social connections, you will no longer have to ask yourself how to improve memory and focus in general. These relationships can help you stay more focused and fight for the things you want to achieve. You can motivate one another while enjoying the respective company.

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#3 Social Connections Will Help You Forget All About Loneliness

Social media has done a lot of damage to the way we perceive human interaction, forcing us to hide behind a screen and โ€œsocializeโ€ through the Internet. For this reason, there are plenty of lonely people out there, using social media but rarely driving what they need from it. Real-life social connections can help you forget all about loneliness, re-discovering what true friendship and human interaction mean.

Read 14 Handy Social Skills Thatโ€™ll Make You More Likable Instantly

#4 Social Connections Make You More Active

Once again, we return to the problem with computers, social media and sitting inside the same four walls for too long. A sedentary lifestyle can have a negative impact on both your physical and mental health, leading to anxiety and desire to control unnecessary things. On the other hand, social connections require that you leave your home and engage in different activities, thus becoming more active. Plus, you will have a great time by interacting with other people, so that will be an added benefit to enjoy.

5 Social Connections Are Essential In The Battle Against Depression

All over the world, there are millions of people who battle mental conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorders. The symptoms of depression are often the worst, as they affect a person from multiple points of view and reduce the overall quality of life. People who spend too much time isolated or those who rely on social media for human interaction present a higher risk of depression. Social connections are essential in the battle against depression, improving oneโ€™s mood and helping him/her change his/her perspective on life.

#6 Social Connections Can Help You Re-Discover Happiness

Remember when you were little? You could not wait to go out and be with your friends. As an adult, you should look for the same value in social connections and human interaction in general. When you talk to other people, share experiences and ideas, you will re-discover the state of happiness you had as a child. This is because social connections can also help you trust other people, being more open to their presence in your life and, thus, being able to trust them with your personal issues. You will not believe the state of happiness that comes from taking such a decision.

#7 Social Connections Guarantee A Longer And Fuller Life

What are the elements that guarantee a longer and fuller life, aside from the obvious, meaning the state of physical and mental health? Well, it might surprise you to discover that, among many other things, social connections stand at the top of the list. There is a clear association between social interaction and the risk of death, the latter being higher in those who are isolated, suffer from loneliness or those who avoid real social interaction. Strong social connections guarantee that you will live a longer and fuller life, so here is another reason why you should consider pursuing them.

#8 Social Connections Ensure Better Physical Mobility

As we age, we tend to get out less and spend more time sitting. This leads to a vicious circle, as the lack of movement leads to stiffness, pain, and inflammation. In turn, these symptoms affect the physical mobility, thus closing the vicious circle. If you pursue real-life social connections, you will be forced to move and, as a direct result, you will enjoy better mobility for many years to come. Sometimes, a short walk with a friend can do wonders for your body, no matter how difficult it may seem at first.

These are a couple of reasons, which shed light on why social connections are so important for a personโ€™s health. As you have seen, many of them refer to us spending too much time in our homes, in front of our computers. We need to go out more and seek out relationships that offer real value, not meaningless interaction, as it often happens on social media.

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