6 Signs You Feel Stuck and Need To Make a Change In Your Life


feel stuck and need to make a change

If you constantly feel stuck in a rut, you should take it as a sign that you need to make major changes in your life, and move on to better things.

Do you drag yourself to work every day? Do you feel like you are stuck in a trap?

Do you lack the vigor you once had? 

Itโ€™s often difficult for us to accept that we are not living our lives to our fullest potentials. We might either be lacking the zeal of life or just living a monotonous life or might have simply given up on life. We all feel demotivated, purposeless, and lost in one or the other phase of our lives. Well, only a few people are living their lives according to their plans.

Accepting the fact that our life has become stagnant is difficult pertaining to the fact that it will require one to work hard on the relationship they have with their life, be it our personal or professional life.

It is not necessary that you have to forcefully live the life you have chosen. Itโ€™s not too late and you can still bring positive changes to your life. All you have to do is adopt a different perspective of your life. You might require to make small changes in your daily routine, your lifestyle, and your general perspective towards life.

Here are 6 signs which if you can relate too, means you need to move forward with your life:

1. You Believe That Your Life Is Supposed To Be More Than This.

Do you often wonder what your dream life would be like? Have you found your life purpose? Do you believe youโ€™re living your lifeโ€™s purpose? 

Our desires, motives, and goals are temporary; so having occasional confusion regarding our immediate targets and goals is acceptable. But ask yourself, are you working towards your bigger dreams? 

Is there something you always wanted to do in life but couldn’t do yet? Do you need a career change? Is there a hobby that you wish to pursue? 

If your intuition keeps reminding you that you deserve and desire more than what you are getting, be it on professional or personal fronts, you need to definitely start stirring things up a bit.

Related: If You Donโ€™t Believe In Yourself, Who Will?

2. Everything Needs A Force To Get Going.

Ask yourself these questions:

1. Are you overall content with your job?

2. Are you doing everything out of duty?

3. Do you put your heart and soul into everything you do?

4. Are you left only with frustration at the end of the day?

5. Do you feel excited to see your partner? 

6. Given a chance, would you like to exchange your life with someone elseโ€™s?

These questions will help you gain some specific knowledge about whether you are doing everything out of sheer force or out of utter passion. The point here is simple, if you reluctantly keep trudging through life, you will tire yourself too soon. 

Want to go farther in life? Your passion will guide you. When you invest your heart and soul into something, you naturally have a better quality of living. 

3. You Feel Underrated.

A constant need for approval is definitely not desirable but to function with the feelings of being underestimated, underappreciated, and undervalued is not productive on a personโ€™s part. 

Whether itโ€™s in your contemporary relationship or your job, if you feel like your efforts are constantly getting underappreciated, you must make changes in the situations. Is your partner respecting you enough? Is your work at the office getting the deserving praise? 

If not, you must remember to put your self-respect before anyone else and make the necessary changes to save yourself from being taken advantage of.

Related: 20 Signs That Tell Us Itโ€™s Time To Let Go Of The Past And Move On

4. You Mostly Remain Unaffected.

Do you recently feel indifferent towards most things in life? Do people who made you happy, not elicit the same reaction from you? 

If you are completely content with your life and the direction it is taking, you will look forward to each new day with enthusiasm. You will enjoy every single moment of your life. 

Does an outing with friends sound boring now? An interesting project at the job is not making you excited? Itโ€™s time to trace back to the root of this numb feeling – maybe itโ€™s your lack of motivation or passion. Try doing things that shower your mind and soul with satisfaction and tranquility. 

5. You Are Happily Embracing Mediocrity.

Gordon B. Hinckley said, “Mediocrity will never do. You are capable of something better” 

Mediocrity makes us believe that it is the highest form of being, whereas, genius knows no boundaries. Two factors make us stick to mediocrity and one of them is our comfort with the usual, however mundane it is and the other one is our fear related to change. 

Will we be able to handle change? Sometimes we wish for a challenge to spice things up but our fear of the uncertainty holds us back. 

Following a familiar routine feels more secure as compared to beginning a routine that might be laborious for us. 

But unless you push yourself beyond your limits you cannot achieve beyond your idea. Just like the saying by Eileen Cook, from With Malice, “How will I know who I can become if I don’t give myself the chance to try new things, to push myself beyond my normal boundaries? Who might I be if I am away from the things that I currently use to define myself?โ€, you must immediately start altering certain things in your life which might be holding you back.

Related: Buddhism Reveals The Ultimate Mindset That Will Help You Achieve Your Goals

6. You Are Procrastinating.

Are you delaying your work every time you get a chance? Are you telling yourself โ€œThere is enough time left for me to complete my project before the deadline.โ€ or โ€œI will do my assignments tomorrow.โ€ I will do this tomorrow, do that tomorrow, and sadly, this โ€˜tomorrowโ€™ never comes!

Procrastination is the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, and thus putting off impending tasks to a later time, sometimes to the โ€œlast minuteโ€ before a deadline. (1) 

feel stuck in a rut

Procrastination is found to stem from some kind of passive aggression. People with passive aggression indirectly exhibit resistance to performing activities they genuinely do not like. Even though the aggression is not active but gets reflected through delaying an action, ignoring it or completely abandoning it. 

If you are procrastinating, you should know that you are not genuinely following your heart and you should start doing it more often. 

Life is about choices. If you feel that you’re not making the right choices, act on it. Remember we get one life. If you donโ€™t make the most out of it, you will regret later. And by then you will already be too late.

As Roy T. Bennett says in The Light in the Heart,

“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.”

Feeling Stuck? 6 Signs It's Time To Move On With Your Life Pin
Feeling Stuck? 6 Signs It’s Time To Move On With Your Life
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