Short Freudian Test: What’s on Your Subconscious Mind?


Short Freudian Test

This short and interesting Freudian Test can reveal some secrets and help you understand what is on your subconscious mind. All you have to do is grab a pen and paper, put on your imagination hat, and take this quiz.

Let’s dive deep into your subconscious mind, and this test will reveal about your subconscious mind. Shall we? The results of this short Freudian Test are eerily accurate to believe!

Write down your answers for this subconscious mind quiz and save them until the end. Once you are done with answering all the questions, then only take a look at the answers.

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Short Freudian Test: What Is In Your Subconscious Mind?

1. You’re peering into the sea. What is the first thing that you feel, and what runs through your mind? If needed, you can close your eyes to better understand your emotions.

2. You’re walking in the forest and looking down at the ground. What do you see and how do you feel about it?

3. How and what do you feel when you watch seagulls flying above your head?

4. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you look at a bunch of running horses? What kind of emotions do you feel?

5. You’re in the desert, and there’s a wall in front of you. You can’t see the end of it. There’s a little hole in the wall. You see an oasis through it. Don’t just focus on your feelings, also note down what you will do in this kind of situation.

6. While wandering around the desert feeling extremely exhausted, you suddenly find a jug full of water. What would you do? Focus on your actions for this question, and even if the answer is obvious, or boring, do write it down.

7. You are lost in the forest at night. Suddenly you find a house with lights on. What would you do?

8. You’re in the fog, and you can’t see anything. Write down the first thing that comes to your mind, and the first thing you would do when confronted with such a situation.

What do your answers say about you as a person?

1. This is your attitude towards life, your emotions, and your needs and wants.

2. This is the way you feel about your family.

3. Your attitude towards women.

4. Your attitude towards men.

5. This is how you prefer to solve the problems in your life, and this also reflects your dreams and goals in life.

6. This is how you choose your sexual partner.

7. Your thoughts and readiness for marriage and starting a family.

8. How you feel about death and your attitude towards it.

Related: What’s Your Psychology IQ? Find Out With This 10-Item Test

What do you think of this Freudian test, and what answers did you get? If you found it to be interesting and true, share it with your friends, and let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

Short Freudian Test: What’s on Your Subconscious Mind?
Freudian Test: What Your Subconscious Mind Is Hiding
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  1. L Avatar

    In most cases I felt sad, scared, happy but sad again….I think my feelings are complicated

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