11 Warning Signs of Depression Relapse


warning signs of depression relapse

Understanding Depression Relapse: Here’re major red flags that might indicate a relapse: signs you are slipping into depression again.

Depression is different from general sadness or loneliness. While we all feel sad sometimes due to certain events and mishaps in our lives like break up or loss of a job or a family member but when someone has feelings of sadness or despair every day for more than two weeks to an extent that it interferes with their day to day activities, then they may be having clinical depression.

While some people experience a major depressive disorder once in their life but for some, it can become chronic and relapse time and again, explains psychologist Carey Bremridge, โ€œDepressive episodes can become more severe with each relapse and may become chronic dysthymia (a persistent mild depression). In some cases, it can even become treatment-resistant.โ€

depression is sleeping through the day in a dark room

Hence, learning to spot the signs of an imminent depression relapse is crucial so that you can take proactive steps to address it before it grows further.

Here are the major red flags that might indicate a depression relapse:

1). You get stressed and irritated

When you are usually calm and centered your capacity to handle stressful situations is high but when you are feeling depressed you become highly prone to stress and irritability.

If you find that you are losing your cool at small incidents and snapping at friends or families at slightest of incidents, you might be in a depression relapse phase.

Read 5 Ways Childhood Emotional Neglect Causes Depression in Adulthood

2). You isolate yourself

A little bit of solitude and me time is good for everyone but if you have started becoming a hermit and you isolate yourself for longer durations of time, it can be a sign of a depression relapse because when you are depressed you donโ€™t have the energy to be around people and make conversations and you donโ€™t want people to notice that you are depressed so you hide from the world.

3). You feel tired all the time

When you are in depression, even routine activities like getting out of bed, taking a shower or eating food can feel like a huge effort.

If you feel too tired or weak all the time to even run your daily tasks efficiently, you might be getting into depression again.

4). Loss of interest in hobbies and activities you usually enjoyed

While it is normal for our interests to fluctuate but if you lose interest in everything that you used to enjoy earlier and nothing seems to excite you anymore, it can be huge red flag that you are getting into depressive phase again.

Depression is your avatar telling you it's tired of being the character you're trying to play

5). You sleep a lot

When you are depressed, you donโ€™t want to face the world. You just spend most of your time in sleeping or you just lay awake in your bed for hours. You just find it very difficult to get out of your bed in the morning and your whole routine and daily tasks go for a toss.

 You just feel numb and confused and you canโ€™t get your priorities right or gather any energy to work on your priorities. It’s a clear sign of depression relapse.

Read Why People With Depression Are The Best Ones To Fall In Love With

6). Aches and pains in your body

Our minds and bodies are connected. If you are not paying enough attention to your emotions or feelings and that something is amiss, then they will grab your attention by manifesting in form of various pains and aches in your body.

If you are feeling constant headaches, stomach aches or pain in other parts of the body that are not caused due to any illness, it could be a sign that you are relapsing into depression.

7). You stop taking care of your self

When you are depressed, you feel so drained that you canโ€™t even gather the energy to do simple tasks for keeping your personal hygiene. Even tasks like brushing or taking a shower can feel like a huge effort.

You could be a very organized person but when depression hits you, you canโ€™t seem to keep up with simple errands like doing the dirty dishes.

If you are feeling that you have stopped taking care of your health and personal hygiene, it is a huge red flag that you are going through a depression relapse.

8). Sudden fluctuations in your weight

Sudden change in your appetite or weight can be assign of depression. People with depression tend to operate in extremes; they either eat too little or do a lot of binge eating.

If you are noticing sudden fluctuations in your weight and diet which is not caused by any other illness, you could be getting into a depressive phase.

9). Loss of focus and productivity at work

When you are depressed, you canโ€™t focus on your work or other tasks. You could be missing a lot of deadlines and spending your time in mindless activities like scrolling through your social media feeds endlessly just to zone out.

Loss of focus and productivity at work is a huge red flag of a relapse.

Read 15 Signs That Show Someone You Care For Is Suffering From Masked Depression

10). You become hyper critical of everything around

When you become too negative and hypercritical of everything around you to the point that you start nitpicking on things, you could be reeling under depression relapse and stress.

When you are in depression relapse you look at life through a very grim lens and nothing seems to be motivating for you and you end up finding fault with everything and everyone.

11). You procrastinate endlessly

When you are depressed, you donโ€™t have the energy to complete your tasks even if you know they are important. You get into a vicious cycle of procrastination and guilt and canโ€™t seem to break free.

If you are facing any of these red flags of depression relapse, please take proactive measures to seek help and combat depression.

Red Flags That Indicate You Might Be Slipping Back Into Depression pin
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warning signs of depression relapse

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