Open Your Mind And Fill The Void With Love

Open Your Mind And Fill The Void With Love
Debra Pry

Open Your mind
and fill the void with love.



Karen MacLeod

If only takes one open window
into your mind and soul
for the heart of another to enter.
Don't leave it in just one box.
Let it spread from one to the next
and that loving feeling will soon
open the others so you can share.




Sulekha Pande

A heart doesn't fit
in the squares of the mind,
don't try to push it in,
it'll be a misfit,
will neither do it's own job,
nor would let the mind
do it's own business...



Rinku Shah

A mind that loves
and heart that thinks
What a beauty this is!



Rinku Shah

With your heart in its right place,
you create a space where
thinking and feeling is easy.



Sherry Greene

I need someone
to help me open my mind
to love again.



Michelle Harwood

To expand our thinking
we need to invite our heart



Dernyl Baggio

Feelings not necessarily a perfect fit
for the thought process.


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