30 Practices To Boost Your Well Being



It is being said that happiness is the synonym of well being. Psychological and mental well being is all about finding happiness and purpose in life. There are plenty of things you can do to improve your well being and make sure you keep yourself mentally healthy.

Linda: There is a strong element of choice in our level of happiness. Indeed we do decide to be happy, but thatโ€™s only for starters. Then we are challenged to CULTIVATE happiness by actively pursuing the practices that give rise to it.

The very same practices that assist in the process of bringing our happiness level up are identical to those that improve our relationships. We can get started by rating our level of happiness on a scale of 0 to 10.

If we want to bring our well being quotient up, consider taking on the following practices.

30 Practices to Boost Well Being

boost well being info

1. Gratitude

Cultivate the attitude of gratitude. At the end of each day, say aloud or write in your journal that for which you are grateful.

Related: 7 Tips To Create Instant Well-Being On A Really Busy Day

2. Physical Exercise

Ride bike, walk, climb, swim or go to the weight room. They all lift the mood and prompt positive emotions. When you have enough endorphins they create euphoria. Runnerโ€™s high is real.

3. Family

Spend time connecting with family.

4. Friends

Cultivate a strong network of support. If your blood relatives are not available for whatever reasons, find your family of choice. Have many confidants. It is the best predictor of happiness.

5. Support

In times of difficulty and challenge, reach out to ask for help and allow others to support you, rather than struggling alone. Interdependence is a healthy dependency.

6. Get Complete

Get complete with issues from the past that make you heavy and drag you down.

Boost well being

7. Forgiveness

Heal all of your relationships. Let go of all grudges towards those who have hurt you and particularly for yourself. Notice how grudges make you heavy and unhappy when you hold on to these hurts. Forgive yourselves if you are not ready to forgive.

8. Mindfulness Meditation

Be Here Now says Ram Dass, The Power of Now says, Eckhart Tolle. Meditation centers and focuses the mind. It helps to be present at the moment, not the past or the future, and to practice non-judgmental awareness. Journaling can be the written form of mindfulness. It is a powerful practice for focusing the mind.

Related: How Mindfulness Can Improve Your Overall Mental Health

9. Needs

Know what your needs are and see to it that they get met.

10. Play

Find fun playmates and play with them frequently, thereby reclaiming the magic and wonder of childhood. Re-own the innocence of the joyful child that lives in each of us results in looking at the world through childlike eyes, with awe and radical amazement.

11. Generosity

It feels so good to give. Contribute in the form of volunteer work, good deeds, and random acts of kindness. Give gifts, acknowledgment, your undivided attention, and committed listening.

12. Strengths

Develop your potential, by identifying your signature strengths. As you take pride in them, you will feel the self-esteem that accompanies them and in a way boosts well being

13. Risk

Taking risks allows you to grow in courage. Happy people do not settle for comfort and security. They are willing to experience disappointment, failure, disapproval, embarrassment and even humiliation to have big successes.

14. Redefine success

Stay away from the prevailing view of money, status, power, and influence to one where real success is the number of in-depth, loving relationships.

15. Self-care

Practice compassionate self-care, also known as healthy selfishness.

Boost well-being
Boost well being

16. Worry

Give up worry, both on the job and in your personal life. Worry is in the future. Those fearful things may never occur. Stay present at the moment, living with a deep trust that things will work out.

17. Kindness

Practice kindness to others and yourself.

Related: 7 Tips For Living A Happy Life

18. Savor

Savoring helps you to feel more deeply in the present moment. It also includes looking forward to something wonderful and reflecting on something lovely that happened in the past.

19. Pleasure

Scour to find if there is any place in you that believes that it is self-indulgent to enjoy pleasure and work with those limiting beliefs.

20. Presence

Show up to be here now where life is going on.

21. Values and goals

Be aware of your values and goals and operate according to them.

22. Body

Listen to the messages that come from the body for rest and relaxation, and be willing to respect those wise messages. Power lounging is slowing down to rest and be quiet so that we can have an overview of your life to see where adjustments need to be made. It is a no results orientation, no distractions from technology including computers, cell phones, TV. and telephones. It can be done alone or with another.

23. Integrity

When you live with honesty and authenticity, you are not too concerned with social conventions, and then you live from your own inner truth. This requires looking at and owning your own shadow, both dark and golden.

24. Passions

Pursue your passions to keep your soul tank filled. Know what your soul food is that nourishes us deep in your soul and gives yourself plentiful helpings. Examples are dancing, singing, yoga, playing an instrument, playing with kids or grandkids, solitude, listening to music, power lounging, being in nature, creative expression, painting, writing, beading sculpting, womenโ€™s group, and menโ€™s group.

25. Spirituality

Put the emphasis on the spiritual rather than the material.

26. Beauty

Own and express your creative artist.

27. Openness

Living with a flexible attitude (no hardening of the attitudes) promotes learning and growth. Openness allows for novelty and adventure, which is enlivening.

28. Optimism

If necessary make the conversion from pessimism to optimism. Choose to consciously and consistently change your thinking.

Related: Learn The Art Of Enjoying Life With These 6 Helpful Tips

29. Intention

Use the power of intention.

30. Purpose

Listen to the callings to know what your purpose is. Knowing what has the greatest meaning in our lives helps us get busy giving the gifts that only you can give.

Of the above practices to boost well being, you will see that some are strong and well developed, while others need attention. Congratulate yourself on those that are well established, and then zero in on those that need more attention.

They are the areas that constitute your growing edge and that will boost well being and your happiness. When you take on the pursuit of happiness in a specific way, you are likely to see your score go up from your efforts.

Enjoy the journey.

Weโ€™re giving away 3 e-books absolutely free of charge. The Ten Biggest Things Weโ€™ve Learned Since We Got Married, Your Guide to Great Sex, and An End to Arguing. To receive them just click here.

Written by Linda and Charlie Bloom
Originally appeared in Psychology Today
30 Practices to Boost Well Being
30 Practices to Boost Well Being
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