15 New Skills To Learn For Rapid Self-Improvement


new skills to learn for rapid self improvement

When it comes to experiencing rapid self improvement in your life, there are a number of important skills that may help you in achieving your goals and staying focused to it indefinitely.

Personal development doesnโ€™t just happen. You canโ€™t expect to be bitten by a radioactive arachnid and wake up the next day with new skills. Self development requires hard work, dedication, and an ever-growing skillset.

So, what new skills do you need to power forward? Thereโ€™s no one-size-fits-all answer, but these 15 new skills are great places to start.

All skills have value, but some are more helpful than others when it comes to your self-development. Adding these to your arsenal will increase the pace of your growth.

Here Are 15 New Skills To Learn For Rapid Self-Improvement

15 New Skills To Learn For Rapid Self Improvement

1. Goal Setting.

On your journey toward your best self, you need to set goals. The key is balance: If your goals are too lofty, youโ€™ll get discouraged when you fall short. Start too small, and youโ€™ll become satisfied with your progress too early and stop pushing yourself forward.

The better approach is to think about milestones. If you want to be a novelist, donโ€™t set a goal to finish a book in a week. Focus on getting a couple of pages done each day, or on writing a chapter each week. This measurable progress is more sustainable and fulfilling.

2. Stress Management.

Personal growth can create a lot of stress.

โ€œGrowth and comfort do not coexist.โ€ โ€” Ginny Rometty, former CEO of IBM[1].

To keep going when times are tough, you have to learn how to manage your stress levels. If brisk walks help you keep your head on straight, schedule one for your lunch period every day. If you need to take Sundays off to recharge for the next week, itโ€™s more than acceptable to do so.

Related: 10 Major Differences Between Successful and Unsuccessful People

3. Organization.

Organization is a skill that comes more naturally to some people than others. If youโ€™re a naturally messy person, start small. Otherwise, youโ€™ll get overwhelmed.

Focus on the places where you spend the most time. Clean up your bedroom or vacuum your car. If physical cleaning is stressful, start by culling files from your computer. Believe it or not, one clean space can set the tone for the rest of your life.

4. Problem Solving.

On the road to personal development, youโ€™ll run into some barriers. Nobody but you can remove these from your path. Thatโ€™s why problem-solving is a vital skill for self-development.

Perhaps anxiety is keeping you from doing your best work. Instead of struggling through it, quietly take a mental health day. โ€œYou absolutely donโ€™t need to disclose why youโ€™re taking a sick day,โ€ says Carissa Toyama of Forward, a membership-based preventive care group.[2]

Donโ€™t let personal challenges stand in the way of your growth. If you can solve them, do โ€” and donโ€™t let anyone give you flak for it.

5. Time Management.

To master yourself, you must master your time. You only get so much of it, and every minute wasted is a minute youโ€™ll never get back. The good news is, time management is a skill that transcends every situation.

Time management is about the power of routine. You can use an online calendar to give your day more structure.[3] You can develop morning and nightly rituals to promote better sleeping habits.

When in doubt, replace idle time with projects geared toward new skills. If your goal is to learn to bake, spend an hour making muffins rather than scrolling through social media.

6. Work Ethic.

You can wish for something all you want. But if youโ€™re not willing to put in the work, you wonโ€™t actually achieve it.

The first step is acknowledging the work you need to do for personal development. The second is actually getting your hands dirty.

If you want to squat a certain amount of weight, you have to spend hours in the gym. Simply imagining yourself becoming stronger will do nothing.

Related: 10 Signs Itโ€™s Time To Change Your Life

7. Accountability.

You are responsible for your own actions. Hold yourself accountable to them. The sooner you do, the quicker you can get back on track after making a mistake.

If your personal development slows down because you opted to sleep in instead of getting up early to work out, donโ€™t blame the cold, grey morning. You made that choice.

8. Networking.

The fast track to self development is through networking. By connecting with other professionals in your field, you gain access to the wisdom of those with more experience than you.

The internet makes networking incredibly easy. Social media sites like LinkedIn allow you to connect with workers and leaders from all corners of the globe. Make meaningful connections, and theyโ€™ll give you not just something to aspire to, but a helping hand along that path.

9. Empathy.

The people around you impact your self-development more than you might realize. Treating them with empathy cracks the door not just to compassion and understanding, but to all sorts of mentorship opportunities.

Remember, mentorship is a two-way street. Mentors benefit just as much from the arrangement as mentees do. One study of CFOs who mentored others found the top benefit they cited was improving their own leadership skills.[4]

10. Self-Control.

Self-development is no walk in the park. In challenging times, youโ€™ll be tempted to find comfort in relaxing activities, such as playing video games or scrolling through social media. In order to truly progress, though, you have to learn self-control.

Smartphones in particular are a threat to self-control. The average person spends hours per day on their mobile devices. If you fall into that bucket, ask yourself: How could you use that time more productively?

11. Patience.

โ€œThe journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.โ€ โ€” An old Chinese proverb

Remember no meaningful goal is achieved overnight.

Be patient. Self-development is a process that can take years, even decades. Donโ€™t beat yourself up if you donโ€™t see immediate progress. Take pride and find joy in even your smallest accomplishments.

Related: The Johari Window: How To Build Self-Awareness and Achieve Success

12. Resilience.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. In other words, you have to push yourself through hard situations. Every time you throw in the towel, you lose the momentum thatโ€™s difficult to get back.

Resilience is a skill acquired through struggle. That may not sound encouraging when looking for quick self-development, but youโ€™ll soon see the power that comes from never giving up.

13. Balance.

Spend all your time at your profession, and youโ€™ll become a master of your trade. Spend all your time with family, and youโ€™ll have wonderful relationships โ€” but fewer skills and a much smaller bank account.

The key to getting the best of all worlds is balance. If youโ€™re tired of working on one thing, take a break. You can always come back later when youโ€™re feeling more up to it.

 Skills For Rapid Self-Improvement
Skills For Rapid Self-Improvement

14. Self-Care.

Self-care means different things to different people, as it should. But the overarching truth holds for everyone: If you donโ€™t care for your health, you wonโ€™t see the self-growth you want.

Make time to exercise regularly, either at home or at a local gym. Choose a diet that will supply you with the nutrients you need, and stay hydrated. Meditate at least once per day. And if youโ€™re having trouble managing your health on your own, reach out to a professional.

15. Sacrifice.

What do you have to give up to achieve your goals? When it comes to personal development, thereโ€™s always something.

When youโ€™re learning a new skill โ€” especially if you also work full-time โ€” you canโ€™t spend the night socializing with friends. You may even need to sacrifice your weekends.

While itโ€™s important to find time to enjoy life, this isnโ€™t the same as indulgence. Too much of any good thing is bad. Be prepared to give up a few pleasures in service to your self-development.

For Best Results, Start Today!

Developing all of these skills is a tall order. Youโ€™ll find, however, that in doing so youโ€™ll already have made a lot of progress. Use that progress to push even harder. Keep honing your skills, and youโ€™ll see just how life-changing self-development can be.


[1] Success: Choose Growth Over Comfort โ€” Your Success Depends on It
[2] Forward: Is It Okay to Ask Your Boss For a Mental Health Day?
[3] Calendar: How to Structure Your Day When Working From Home
[4] Forbes: Mentorship: Good For The Mentored And Good For Those Mentoring, Too

Written By Kimberly Zhang
Originally Appeared In Lifehack

Start concentrating on these skills for rapid self improvement, and you will notice many positive improvements in your life over time. It may take some time for the changes to become visible, but never give up. Continue to improve yourself, and your life will undoubtedly change.

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  1. Skorpija Avatar

    Organization is the key and comes first. I always have problems with it. Your tips are precious.

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