Behind The Golden Curtain: Filthy Rich Housewife Talks About Struggles Of Being Married To A Millionaire

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Rich Housewife Talks About Struggles For Being A Millionaire

Ever thought millionaires have problems too? Well, they do! But obviously, their issues are a bit different from the common folk. But this rich housewife talks about struggles that may not strike a chord with the internet at large!

As reported by YourTango, recently, Linda Andrade, a successful business owner, and millionaire’s wife, caught some flak on TikTok when she shared her struggles. She’s been dubbed the “Dubai housewife” and has gained popularity on the app for sharing insights into the lives of the wealthy.

Let’s find out how this rich housewife talks about struggles and what the Internet has to say about it. 

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Rich Housewife Talks About Struggles Of Being Married To A Millionaire

Linda shared a list of things that make her fancy lifestyle and being married to a millionaire quite difficult. Her first issue is that she’s “scared of getting robbed.”

Even though this might seem like a legitimate fear, the internet is of the opinion that she’s less likely to get robbed than those who aren’t as well-off.

Studies show that the richer you are and the higher income you have, the lower the chance of you being a victim of burglary or robbery. 

Next up, Linda talks about always having to look 10/10. According to her, it is a challenge to go through rigorous beauty routines on a regular basis, but honestly, there are worse things to worry about. 

She also stresses about having too many food options because she’s “picky.” And apparently, food is always a show in her world. She shared a clip of a fake bomb “exploding” at her restaurant table, revealing cocktails inside. 

On top of having endless amounts of expensive food, Linda’s life of luxury seems to leave her restless. She’s “tired” because the couple is “always traveling.” And this constant travel to exotic places around the world sometimes gets to her.

Rich housewife talks about struggles

The remaining three problems center around her wealthy hubby. “Women want my man,” she wrote, and she’s worried about keeping him loyal and faithful to her. But she also doesn’t like it if he buys her too many things, especially expensive things. 

Linda’s extravagant shoe collection kind of cancels out her opinion that she doesn’t really like it when her husband buys her expensive stuff, which is why her video comes off as more comedic than serious.

Her last “issue” is that her husband “never lets [her] drive,” which means “unfortunately”, she’s chauffeured everywhere she goes. However, that may not be as great as it sounds!

Some people on the internet pointed out that her husband seems to control her life. “Definitely sounds exhausting and a bit controlling,” one person wrote. Another added that they have their own identity and freedom and drive everything they have, unlike Linda.

Many people criticized Linda for complaining about her problems. “Such a hard and unfortunate life,” one person sarcastically commented. “The worst thing for me is I can’t pay my bills, and you’re worried that you’re always tired of traveling or you have to schedule salon appointments regularly,” another added.

But Linda’s video does highlight a point that data supports. A study from the NIH showed that “any relationship that does exist” between higher income and happiness suggests that the richer you are, the less happy you are.

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So, while Linda’s complaints may seem unwarranted and tone-deaf compared to those who have it far worse, the study shows why she may not find her comfortable lifestyle being married to a millionaire entirely satisfying. Maybe, just maybe, all that glitters is not gold, after all. 

What is your opinion about this? Do you think her struggles are genuinely hard to deal with and being married to a millionaire is exhausting? Or do you think the struggles of being married to a millionaire are nothing compared to the issues of the non-rich common folk? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

struggles of being married to a millionaire

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