16 Things That Happen When You Start Dating A Good Guy After A Toxic Relationship


Dating A Good Guy After A Toxic Relationship: 16 Signs

How do you brave the waters of finding love again after an old relationship scarred you? Meeting and dating a good guy after a toxic relationship can make all the difference.

Recovering from a toxic relationship can be a daunting task, but finding love again after a scarred past is possible. It’s important to take the necessary steps to heal and overcome the trauma of your past relationship before jumping into a new one.

When you were in a toxic relationship, deep down inside you knew that you weren’t always content in the relationship. But you would never rationalize your bond to be toxic.

The person you so blindly trusted played with you in a way you previously thought was unimaginable. When you finally let that poisonous relationship go, you felt like you were done with love and felt broken inside.

It may seem like a long road to recovery, but meeting a good partner and building a healthy relationship can make all the difference, and even help you leave behind your painful past, once and for all.

Let’s find out what happens when you start dating a good guy after a toxic relationship.

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16 Things That Happen When You Start Dating A Good Guy After A Toxic Relationship

1. You know what love is.

Even if you have recently come out of a toxic relationship that ended badly, you likely have a deep understanding of what love truly means. That kind of intense, real love is something that not everyone has the privilege of experiencing in their lifetime.

It’s important to remember that moving on from a toxic relationship takes time and healing. You may not be ready to jump into a new romantic relationship right away, and that’s okay. Take the time you need to heal, learn from your past experiences, and rediscover yourself.

When you do meet someone who touches your soul, it will be a real and powerful experience. You’ll have a deeper appreciation for the love you’ve found because you know firsthand how destructive and painful love can be when it’s not healthy.

When the time is right, you’ll be ready to love again with a newfound appreciation for the beauty and power of healthy love.

Dating a good guy after a toxic relationship is not free of challenges.
Dating after a toxic relationship can be challenging

2. Now that you are free, it’s a good idea to do some self-reflection.

Being in a relationship often means sacrificing your personal time to invest in the relationship. However, after a toxic relationship ends, you may find yourself with a newfound sense of freedom and time to focus on yourself. Use this time wisely and take the opportunity to reflect on your thoughts and desires.

Reflection is an essential component of personal growth. Take the time to go over your thoughts and emotions, and identify what you truly want in life. This could be anything from your career to your personal relationships. By examining your thoughts and desires, you can make more informed decisions about your future.

While it’s easy to blame your ex-partner for the failure of the relationship, it’s important to acknowledge your own mistakes and faults.

Reflect on your behavior in the relationship and identify areas where you could have done better. This will not only help you grow as a person but also improve your future relationships.

3. Embrace all your newfound and authentic feelings.

After a toxic relationship, it’s natural to want to take some time to focus on yourself and rediscover who you are outside of a relationship. This is a time to embrace your newfound freedom and explore your passions and desires without feeling guilty or judged.

Don’t be afraid to embrace your feelings and act on your desires. If you’re interested in someone, go ahead and pursue them. You don’t owe anyone anything, and you deserve to have some fun after the trauma you’ve been through. Whether it’s hitting on a bartender or kissing someone younger than you, allow yourself to indulge in the thrill of the moment.

This is a time to let go of any shame or judgment from others and focus on what you truly want. You’ve been through a lot, and you deserve to rediscover yourself and find happiness in your own way.

Remember that it’s okay to take your time and explore your options before diving into another relationship. Embrace your newfound feelings and enjoy the journey of self-discovery.

4. Try to take it easy for a while.

Before you start dating after a toxic relationship, it’s important to take some time to heal and regain your sense of self. It’s also important to realize that not all people are manipulative or controlling, especially in healthy relationships.

It’s essential to give yourself space to adjust to a new relationship and not rush into anything.

Take it easy and be patient with yourself. Your previous relationship may have left you with scars, and it’s important to give yourself time to heal before jumping into something new. Remember that healthy relationships take time to build, and it’s okay to take things slow.

As you navigate the dating world again, remember to take care of yourself and listen to your intuition. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Don’t be afraid to take a step back and reassess the situation.

By taking it easy and being patient with yourself, you’ll be better equipped to make positive choices and attract healthy relationships in the future. Remember that you deserve to be in a healthy, happy relationship, and don’t settle for anything less.

Related: Why Itโ€™s So Hard To Trust Again After A Toxic Relationship

5. Never be afraid to believe what you truly deserve.

Before you start dating a good guy after a toxic relationship, it’s important to know your worth and never settle for anything less. Don’t be afraid to hold out for what you deserve in a healthy relationship.

It’s natural to have doubts and fears when starting to date again, but it’s essential to listen to your intuition and recognize any red flags in a new relationship. If you see any signs of toxicity, it’s best to address them early on and avoid getting attached to someone with malevolent intentions.

Remember that you deserve to be treated with respect, kindness, and love. Don’t allow anyone to make you feel small or insignificant. Take the time to understand your own needs and boundaries and communicate them with your partner.

6. Build a healthy relationship with yourself.

Before you start dating a good guy after a toxic relationship, it’s essential to prioritize building a strong and healthy relationship with yourself. This means taking time to understand your own needs, values, and boundaries and developing a deeper sense of self-awareness.

By focusing on self-improvement and self-care, you’ll be better equipped to enter into healthy relationships in the future. This includes engaging in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, practicing self-compassion, and setting healthy boundaries with others.

Remember that building a relationship with yourself is an ongoing process and requires patience, self-love, and self-acceptance. Be kind to yourself and don’t be afraid to seek support from loved ones or a therapist if needed.

Ultimately, the stronger your relationship with yourself, the more stable and fulfilling your future relationships will be. So invest in yourself and prioritize your well-being as you navigate the world of loving again after a toxic relationship.

Related: 10 Unexpected Things To Expect After Leaving A Toxic Relationship

7. You need to let go of the past if you want to be truly happy.

How to start dating after a toxic relationship?

Letting go of the past is crucial when moving on from a toxic relationship. It’s understandable to feel hurt, angry, or sad about what happened, but dwelling on these negative emotions can hold you back from moving forward and finding happiness.

It’s also helpful to practice self-compassion and forgiveness. This doesn’t mean excusing the harmful actions of your ex-partner, but rather acknowledging that everyone makes mistakes and that you deserve to be kind to yourself.

Additionally, it can be beneficial to reframe your thoughts about the past. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects, try to find lessons learned or positive experiences gained. This can help shift your perspective and allow you to see the situation in a new light.

Remember that letting go of the past is an ongoing process, and it’s okay to seek support from loved ones or a therapist if needed.

By focusing on the present moment, practicing self-compassion and forgiveness, and reframing your thoughts, you can move forward, find happiness, and meet a good guy after a toxic relationship.

We are products of our past
For dating a good guy after a toxic relationship, let go of the past

8. You will expect him to be as bad as your ex.

Even if you are dating a good guy after a toxic one, you might still have trust issues.

It’s completely normal to have trust issues and be cautious when entering a new relationship, especially after going through a toxic one. It’s understandable that you will be wary of potential red flags and may even find yourself over-analyzing every little thing your new partner does.

However, it’s important to remind yourself that your new partner is not your ex. They are an entirely different person with their own unique set of qualities, flaws, and behaviors. While it’s healthy to be cautious, it’s also important to give your new partner the benefit of the doubt and not assume the worst of them.

Remember that healing takes time, and it’s okay to take things slow and prioritize your own emotional well-being. Be patient with yourself and with your new partner as you navigate through this new relationship. With time and effort, you can learn to trust and love again.

9. You might read too much into things.

When you are dating a good guy after a toxic relationship, it’s natural for you to over-analyze and overthink everything because you are still somehow haunted by your ex-partner who cheated on you, mistreated you, and left you broken.

It’s important to recognize that reading too much into things and over-analyzing can lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary stress in your new relationship. While it’s natural to be cautious after a toxic relationship, it’s also important to trust your partner and give them the benefit of the doubt.

Communicating openly and honestly with your new partner can help you both understand each other’s perspectives and avoid misinterpretations. It’s also essential to work on healing and letting go of past hurts, so you can approach your new relationship with a fresh perspective and avoid projecting past experiences onto your current partner.

Remember, your new partner is not your ex, and it’s not fair to hold them responsible for your past hurts.

Related: 7 Signs Youโ€™ve Difficulty Accepting Love After Trauma

10. You will think that he canโ€™t possibly be this genuine.

After being in a toxic relationship, it can be hard to believe that someone can genuinely care for you without any ulterior motives. Your past experiences might have led you to expect that every kind gesture will come with strings attached.

You might even question if your new partner is just trying to manipulate or control you as your previous partner did.

It’s important to remind yourself that not all people are the same and that there are genuine people out there who just want to love and care for you without any hidden agenda. Take your time to observe his actions and behaviors, and listen to your intuition.

Loving someone after a toxic relationship and trusting someone again can take time, and it’s okay to take things slow and set boundaries that make you feel comfortable. Remember that you deserve to be treated with love and respect, and never settle for less.

11. You will try to push him away before he can hurt you.

It’s important to recognize that this kind of behavior is a defense mechanism. You’ve been hurt before and you don’t want to go through that pain again. However, pushing away a good guy who is genuine and caring can cause you to miss out on a healthy relationship.

Falling in love again after a toxic relationship is not an easy thing, but it’s important to acknowledge these fears and insecurities and work through them. Communicate your feelings with your partner and give them a chance to show you their true intentions. Take things slowly and don’t rush into anything that makes you uncomfortable.

Remember that you deserve to be happy and loved. Don’t let your past experiences hold you back from experiencing new and positive relationships.

Dating a good guy after a toxic relationship

12. You will expect constant arguing and fighting.

In your previous toxic relationship, arguments could come out of nowhere. They were a daily occurrence and it was as if you had acclimated yourself to fights and disagreements.

Throwing explicit words at each other, name-calling each other, finger-pointing at one another, and even having fights escalating to physical violence – all of this has left you feeling traumatized.

However, when you start dating a good guy after a toxic relationship, you donโ€™t really know how to react to the fact that he really doesnโ€™t want to fight with you. He understands your emotions and validates them and this is something you might have trouble digesting. 

Even if he disagrees with you, he will never insult or humiliate you, rather he will patiently try to make you understand his opinions, feelings, and beliefs.

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13. You will find yourself saying sorry a lot.

When you finally get out of the toxic relationship, you might notice that you have a tendency to apologize excessively, even when not at fault. This behavior is often a coping mechanism that is learned during the previous relationship, where apologizing was used as a way to maintain peace and balance in the face of constant conflict.

It is important to recognize that this behavior is not healthy or necessary in a healthy relationship.

When you start dating a good guy after a toxic relationship, it is important to work on recognizing and addressing these patterns. This may involve therapy or self-reflection to understand why you feel the need to apologize so frequently.

You may also need to work on building your self-esteem and confidence so that you feel more secure in yourself and your actions. By doing so, you can learn to communicate effectively in your new relationship without feeling the need to constantly apologize for things that are not your fault.

14. You will question whether you are really deserving of him.

During the process of dating a good guy after a toxic relationship, you may experience moments of doubt and insecurity about your worthiness of this person.

As you begin to experience a healthy relationship with someone who treats you with kindness, respect, and understanding, you may find yourself questioning whether you truly deserve their love and affection.

You may have become accustomed to being mistreated or emotionally manipulated in your previous relationship, and the idea of someone truly caring about your well-being may seem foreign or even suspicious.

As you begin to open up and share your thoughts and feelings with this new person, you may find yourself feeling vulnerable and exposed, which can trigger feelings of self-doubt and unworthiness.

It’s important to recognize that these feelings are normal and common for those who have experienced toxic relationships. However, it’s crucial to work through these feelings in a healthy way and not let them sabotage your new relationship.

You can do this by acknowledging your past experiences and how they may be affecting your current mindset, practicing self-care and self-compassion, and communicating openly and honestly with your new partner about your feelings and concerns.

15. You will think that you have to exert more effort than before.

When you start a new relationship after a toxic one, you may find yourself feeling like you have to put in more effort than before. In your past relationship, everything may have felt like a struggle, and you may have had to constantly fight for your partner’s attention or affection.

However, in this new relationship, things may feel much easier and more natural. At first, this can be a welcome relief, but it can also be a little disorienting.

You may feel like you have to work harder to make the relationship work or that you have to constantly prove yourself to your new partner. This can be especially true if you have experienced low self-esteem or self-doubt as a result of your previous relationship.

It’s important to remember that healthy relationships are not a constant battle. They involve mutual respect, trust, and communication, and both partners should be putting in the effort to make the relationship work.

However, this effort should not feel overwhelming or exhausting. It should be a natural and enjoyable part of the relationship.

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16. You will gradually learn to trust him.

Trust is the foundation of every relationship, and this new guy is good enough to actually compel you to let your guard down.

When you will be dating a good guy after a toxic relationship, gradually you will start learning what it means to be comfortable with someone, without having the fear of being criticized.

Building trust is a fundamental aspect of any relationship, and if you’ve been in a toxic one before, it can take time to let your guard down with a new partner.

However, if you’re with a good guy, he will make you feel safe and comfortable enough to gradually open up and share your deepest fears and insecurities without the fear of being judged or criticized. Over time, you’ll learn to trust him and feel accepted for who you truly are.

Love after a toxic relationship is like rainbows after a storm.

One of the most important things that happen after you start dating a good guy after a toxic relationship is that finally you understand what it means to be in love with someone who loves you back.

Meeting a good guy after a toxic relationship is a blessing and don’t ruin this by giving in to your insecurities. Cherish your new relationship.

What do you think of these things that happen after you meet a good guy? What are your thoughts about dating a good guy after a toxic relationship? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

things to remember when dating after a toxic relationship
Dating a good guy after a toxic relationship
16 Things To Remember When You Meet a Good Guy After a Toxic Relationship
Dating a good guy after a toxic relationship
Dating a good guy after a toxic relationship
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Dating a good guy after a toxic relationship
Things That Happen When You Meet a Good Guy pin
Dating a good guy after a toxic relationship
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