10 Love Resolutions For Single Women


Love Resolutions For The Single Woman

Valentine’s week can be hard for single women because of old stereotypes in society. Being single doesn’t mean you are sad or alone, it just means you are secure enough to be in your own skin to know what you deserve in a relationship. You won’t settle for anything less than that. To better understand this, there are a few love resolutions for single women that you can follow. Read this valentine special post to know more.

Love can be simple or complex. When a woman lets her love life run on autopilot, love becomes complex. If youโ€™d like to simplify love, take a conscious approach by setting and following resolutions. Set your own resolutions or start with these 10 and simplify your love life.

Here Are 10 Love Resolutions For Single Women

1. Become Better.

Love Resolutions for Single Ladies

Become better by taking responsibility; donโ€™t become bitter by blaming others. Learn from each encounter and relationship that doesnโ€™t work out by reflecting on your contribution to the undesired outcome. Then do the inner work to better support you in moving forward.

2. Stop Hooking Up.

If you want true and lasting love, take time to get to know a man (i.e. who he is, what heโ€™s about, his values, his intentions, etc.) instead of having sex early on. A high-quality man will respect you and not pressure you into sex.

3. Have a To-Be list.

Having your ideal relationship is more about who youโ€™re being. We teach others how to treat us by how we treat ourselves. If you want to be loved, respected, cherished, and trusted, be these very same qualities towards yourself and your partner.

Related: Why Itโ€™s Better To Stay Single Than In A Toxic Relationship

4. Get Real About Love.

True and lasting love isnโ€™t timely and doesnโ€™t happen when you want it. In your early 20s, time is in your favor. Time isnโ€™t as plentiful as you mature. Take a proactive approach to love by creating your ideal love life instead of falling into a relationship with men who arenโ€™t quite right for you.

5. Settle for More.

You are worthy of a loving and fulfilling romantic relationship. Settle for more by being with a man who values your true self. Be with a man who supports you in living a full life, where you spend quality time together, with friends and family, and as individuals.

6. Lighten Up.

Youโ€™ll attract better men and relationships when you take a light-hearted approach to love. Let go of your expectations; when things donโ€™t go according to your plan, you become disappointed and heavy about love. Setting intentions helps you lighten up and be open to what happens.

7. Expose Yourself.

If youโ€™re single and want to find success in love, be open-minded and open-hearted. Put yourself in places to meet men. Try online dating, meetups, and activities where your potential mate might be. For instance, if you enjoy tennis, join a tennis league.

8. Stay The Course.

On your journey to love, donโ€™t get derailed by men who arenโ€™t right for you just because youโ€™re lonely. Live your life fully by discovering and living your passions. Do things that soothe your soul like spending time in nature, getting a massage, journaling, listening to music, etc.

Related: 10 Biggest Mistakes Women Make In Relationships

9. Enjoy The Journey.

If enjoying the journey to love has been hard, youโ€™ve been focusing on something that happened in the past or something that might happen in the future. Being present lets you better enjoy the journey. Being grateful and having a positive support system is helpful as well.

Love Resolutions For Single Women
Single Women Love Resolutions

10. Be Hopeful.

Your attitude seeps into every aspect of your love life. If you want to have love with more ease and clarity, choosing to be hopeful is the most supportive to travel.

Final Words

Following through on your resolutions guarantees having the love you desire. When youโ€™re faced with a situation, choice, or decision that causes you to hesitate, ask yourself, โ€œIs how Iโ€™m about to be or what Iโ€™m about to do, bringing me closer to or taking me further away from what I want?โ€

Make the choice that brings you closer to what you want. Iโ€™d love to know your love resolutions. Which resolutions will you practice? Drop a comment below!

Have a happy valentine’s day!

Written By Janet Ong Zimmerman
Originally Appeared In Love For Successful Women
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10 Love Resolutions For Singles
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Self Love Resolutions
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Love Resolutions For The Single Woman
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