30 Carl Jung Quotes That Teach Profound Life Lessons

Carl Jung Quotes Teach Life Lessons

Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. He has a huge contribution to the field of psychology. He founded analytical psychology and was one of the first experts to have explored the religious  He argued that empirical evidence alone could not arrive at psychological or scientific truths and that the soul plays a key role in the psyche. Carl Jung has numerous quotes and sayings that will inspire you to introspect the depth of your psyche and better understand yourself.

Over the past years, I have started recognizing the profound depth in his words and how it redirected my life and understanding to a whole new level.

Here is a compilation of the most mind-blowing lessons to learn from Carl Jung Quotes that is about to change the way you view life.

Here’re 30 Carl Jung quotes that teach profound life lessons:

1. Knowledge about self is the ultimate wisdom.

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

2. Balance brings harmony.

“Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better to take things as they come along with patience and equanimity.”

3. Love and power are each other’s shadow.

“Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other.”

4. To know a thing we need to know what it is not.

“Mistakes are, after all, the foundations of truth, and if a man does not know what a thing is, it is at least an increase in knowledge if he knows what it is not.”

Related: 30+ Dalai Lama Quotes to Enrich Your Life With Wisdom

5. The best solution to the greatest problems is to outgrow them.

“The greatest and most important problems of life are all fundamentally insoluble. They can never be solved but only outgrown.”

6. We choose who we want to become.

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”

7. Pain awakens us.

“There is no coming to consciousness without pain.”

“There is no birth of consciousness without pain.” (My favorite)

8. Pride is self-deceiving.

“Through pride, we are ever deceiving ourselves. But deep down below the surface of the average conscience, a still, small voice says to us, something is out of tune.”

9. Abuse is usually passed on from one person to another.

“The healthy man does not torture others – generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers.”

Lessons to Learn from Carl Jung 1

10. We project our undesirable feelings and thoughts onto others.

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”

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11. Death is an inevitable life purpose.

“Shrinking away from death is something unhealthy and abnormal which robs the second half of life of its purpose.”

12. Children model actions, not words.

“Children are educated by what the grown-up is and not by his talk.”

Lessons to Learn from Carl Jung

13. Fantasy is the father of invention.

“Without this playing with fantasy, no creative work has ever yet come to birth. The debt we owe to the play of the imagination is incalculable.”

14. It’s all in the unconsciousness.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

15. You are to walk the talk.

“You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.”

16. Even the unexplained exists.

“I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything I cannot explain as a fraud.”

17. Small things are the most significant.

“The least of things with a meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it.”

18. Wisdom is silent.

“If a man knows more than others, he becomes lonely.”

19. The change must begin with you.

“As any change must begin somewhere, it is the single individual who will experience it and carry it through. The change must indeed begin with an individual; it might be any one of us. Nobody can afford to look round and to wait for somebody else to do what he is loath to do himself.”

20. You are here for a cause.

“If you are a gifted person, it doesn’t mean that you gained something. It means you have something to give back.”

21. Don’t play hide and seek with yourself.

“People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own souls.”

Related: 70 Rumi Quotes That Will Help You Understand Life Better

22. In all disorders, there is a secret order.

“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”

23. Perception changes the way things are.

“It all depends on how we look at things, and not how they are in themselves.”

24. We don’t have ‘complexes’, ‘complexes’ have us.

“Everyone knows nowadays that people ‘have complexes’. What is not so well known, though far more important theoretically, is that complexes can have us.”

25. You are here to spread hope.

“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”

26. We need to change.


“We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.”

27. There is no right or wrong, only sense, and nonsense.

“The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.”

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28. Dreams guide us.

“Dreams are the guiding words of the soul. Why should I henceforth not love my dreams and not make their riddling images into objects of my daily consideration?”

29. Scream is a noise.

“A ‘scream’ is always just that – a noise and not music.”

30. Pass through an inferno of passion.

“A man who has not passed through the inferno of his passions has never overcome them.”

Did we miss anything? Would you like to add more Carl Jung Quotes?

30 Life Altering Lessons To Learn From Carl Jung
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  1. Cynthia Lokko Avatar
    Cynthia Lokko

    This amazing, have learnt something. Thank you so juch

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