Jupiter In Scorpio – A New Era Has Started!


Jupiter In Scorpio – A New Era Has Started!

On October 10, 2017, Jupiter has entered Scorpio and it will remain there until November 8, 2018. Also, from the 9th of March until July 11, it will be in retrograde motion.

The danger of exhaustion:

Scorpio is a restless zodiac, and Jupiter enlarges, so Jupiter will enlarge this aspect of the sign for all of us. Being active is nice, but Jupiter in Scorpio can drive as to the point of exhausting ourselves. The period that holds the greatest risk for this to happen is from April 29 to May 19. Of course, there will be other shorter periods, but as this one lasts for a good 20 days we must be extra careful during that time. Even worse, Jupiter will be retrograde during that time.

Cleansing Brings Growth:

Scorpio rules death and resurrection and these aspects will be enlarged by Jupiter’s presence there. This will compel us, or force us when Jupiter is stressed, to clean up our lives. It’s a very Saturn-like influence, but it will be done more pleasantly, and we will be able to see the benefits of it. Most of the times, even during the cleansing. There is a need to “kill” the negative and burdening things, relationships and aspects of our lives, in order for new beneficial and pleasant things and occasions to take their place. This is a common truth. While Jupiter transits Scorpio, this truth will be much too obvious and, occasionally, demanding. Do this voluntarily, and Jupiter will bring forth even more growth.

Take a look at your things. Ask yourself if you need them if you enjoy them if they serve you and please you anyhow. If they don’t, then either throw them away or gift them. Gifting them to people who may need them, brings, even more, blessings, so choose this when possible. If you have things you want and please you, but you don’t use them and enjoy them, start doing so. Otherwise, they are a burden, and they block new blessings from coming your way.

Do the same with your activities, hobbies, and routines. Do they serve you, or do you serve them? If the latter is the truth, change them or release yourself from them. Do the same with old wounds and negative emotions. The latter fall even more under the power of Scorpio. Do the same with your relationships. If they are not fulfilling, but time and energy consuming instead, heal them, change them, or end them. This may sound harsh, but it will, eventually, happen even if you don’t do it yourself. It will happen, though, in a more unpleasant way. Even if you can “cheat” the Caring Teacher, the Strict one, Saturn, eventually will come there and make a mess. You don’t want this to happen.

The more you are cleaning an aspect of your life, the more blessings will come your way. By gifting things you don’t need, new, more fulfilling things will come. By freeing yourself from destructive or negative relationships, new happier, healthier and more fulfilling relationships will come. Jupiter in Scorpio will act as a vacuum power, mightily trying to fill in the “gap” you are creating.

Death and Resurrection:

Not only “small deaths”, but strong and wide ones can take place. We can change and reform ourselves completely under the influence of Jupiter in Scorpio. We can reborn ourselves anew, the way we want to be. Now, we can “kill” the person we have been until now, and bring forth the person we wanted and meant to be. Don’t worry. Jupiter in Scorpio will ease our way in achieving such great changes.

sex and Emotions:

Scorpio is known as the ruler of sex. It is also the zodiac that rules deep emotions. Both these energies of Scorpio will be magnified during Jupiter’s transit.

sexual energy is getting stronger and greater and it raises. The way we will feel this, depends, of course, on our individual case. Our sex drive can be heightened. Our will to engage in sexual acts can also be heightened. Sometimes this can become an obsession. sexual affairs can become meaningful, sometimes surprisingly so. Enriching our sexual activity in an existing relationship can help the relationship to become stronger and healthier. We connect through sex. Our greater need to bond helps even more.

Our emotions become strong and important. We want to share them and express them. We want the important people in our lives to receive them and appreciate them. And we want these important people to return them. This happens in our romantic relationships, of course, but not only there. Friendships, parent-child relationships and all forms of relationships receive this influence. Emotional happiness is the root of every healthy relationship, and this becomes obvious while Jupiter transits Scorpio.

sexual energy is what gives us self-confidence and motivates us to express ourselves. It strengthens our determination and fires up our will to act according to our own beliefs. Of course, when Jupiter is under stress, this can lead to dogmatism, but in general, this is a very good and healthy thing to do. All aspects of our life need to be fulfilling and need to express us. Career is not an exception.


So, career needs now to be fulfilling. It needs to express ourselves. If this happens already to your career, then your advancement there during this 13-month period will be great. If this doesn’t happen, you’ll seek to find new jobs that express you better or even the best. Students that entered a school for the sake of others can change their subjects to something that express them better. If not, they will feel the futility of what they are doing. Be careful, if this is your choice. Anger and depression are also emotions, and with Jupiter in Scorpio, they can grow indefinitely.

If for any case you can’t change your job or subject of study, try to find ways to make them fulfilling for you. Use the money you earn to express yourself and focus on that. Use the knowledge you earn to do things that are more “you”. At the very least, give time to your hobbies and other activities you enjoy and you find fulfilling and reduce the time you spend on activities you don’t enjoy. Jupiter always asks you to enjoy your life. Occasionally, it demands you do so.

Hobbies and careers that include danger can be very seductive right now. If you engage in such activities, you know it better than all the rest, you need to be careful anytime. This period is not an exception. Of course, Jupiter doesn’t actually bring new dangers, but it doesn’t stop them from happening either. Progress and advancements in such careers, and hobbies, can take place, though.

Mystery and detective writers can progress very much in their subject during this period. There will also be a greater interest in such novels from the public, and this will help even more. Of course, the same goes for films and other means. Other artists that can be benefited from this transit are those who engage romance, sex, death, and magic in their art. Of course, careers based on these subjects receive many blessings and advancement will occur.

Religion and Magic:

Jupiter in Scorpio will empower religion and magic, and all expressions of them. Dogmatism and religious fanaticism are the negative expressions of this influence. We may even see crimes related to religion or magic. Scorpio is neither timid nor open-minded. Jupiter there can make things much worse. Mostly when Jupiter is stressed.

On the good side though, clerics or other professionals of the religions and magic will have a good and beneficial year. They may advance in the hierarchy, or gain more money, or expand their business. Whatever is applicable in each case. Also, more religious and metaphysical groups can appear. What they will have to offer in the world won’t be new discoveries and teachings, but a new way to express or understand old ones. This, on its own, isn’t a bad thing. It’s a good thing, as different people connect better with different interpretations of the same teaching. If dogmatism and fanaticism are absent, this is a blessing for the world.

Our magical energy will be stronger than in other years, and therefore we can make miracles happen. This will be even more obvious for those born in Aries, or they have their ascendant in Aries, but everybody will feel it. Fire magic and sex magic will be the strongest ones, but all forms of magic will be strong and potent. Ritualistic magic will be stronger than “spontaneous” magic.

Money and Abundance:

Finally, money seems to be important, but in most cases, it isn’t. Abundance, on the other hand, is so. Careers related to money, such as bank employees, investment consultants and the like, will have a good year, of course, but this is the most Scorpio cares about money.

How much we enjoy our money and possessions, and how much abundant we feel we are is what is important. We don’t necessarily need more or seek for more, money. We can become wealthier with whatever we have. Yes, this will bring even more money, but this is not what we are focusing on. Neither is what we should be focusing on. It is the sexual energy that rules money for Scorpio, not the energy of the earth. We need to enjoy our fortune, and not to build it up.

Understanding how wealthy we are, and being happy with whatever we have is important. It’s not a restrictive energy that will stop more money and wealth from coming our way. It’s exactly the opposite. It is the force that will generate more wealth for us. So focus on feeling and realizing that you are already blessed with abundant abundance.

That’s all. Have fun, and enjoy the 13 months of Jupiter in Scorpio.

Post brewed by Magical Recipes Online

Visit their website to add more magic to your life.

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