It’s Not About The Kiss

It's Not About The Kiss

It’s not about the kiss but the way you do it…
You hold me in your arms,
And bring me near.
It’s the fragrance of each other that we feel,
And my arms around you begin to feel the deepest love.

It’s not about the kiss but the way you do it…
You hold my face then with love,
You have a very beautiful way of doing it.
You begin it softly, making me melt,
I close my eyes, to give myself all to you,
You will make it the best ever, I know it.

It’s not about the kiss but the way you do it…
And there you kiss me.
A story of love begins,
You do it on the forehead,
You do it on cheeks,
You do it finally on my lips.
A feeling of heaven comes inside me,
A feeling of being a queen made by you.

It’s not about the kiss but the way you do it…
It’s the love that you ignite in me and make me ready to love you forever and ever,
For the love that I want to give you.

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