I’m The Sensitive One


I’m the sensitive one. I’m the weird one. I have a big heart. I care. If I love, I love deeply. If I’m your friend you can trust me. I love other weirdos. I love people with big hearts. If you read this and relate. I’m sending you a big hug, my big-hearted weird friend. Don’t change. The world needs your love. The world needs you.

– Jane Lightworker

Jane Lightworker Quotes, Deep Quotes, deep quotes about life, deep short quotes, deep quotes on life, deep meaning quotes, short deep quotes, deep thought quotes

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How to Create an Environment That You Can Be Happy In

Have you ever stepped into a home or space and instantly been overcome with an emotion? Perhaps you felt a peace settling over you or maybe you were put off by your surroundings. The truth is that your environment can have a considerable impact on whether or not you are happy.

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Awakening Your Inner Self


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5 Ways to Beat Insomnia Resulting From Coronavirus Anxiety

If you’re like everyone else, you’re probably spending much more time at home than usual. In theory, this should give you a fantastic opportunity to relax, get rested, and catch up on sleep. Unfortunately, for many people, things haven’t exactly worked out that way. For some, the COVID-19 crisis has stirred up so much anxiety that it has actually resulted in increased instances of insomnia. Let’s discuss 5 possible solutions for this health-destroying, anxiety-induced sleep deprivation.

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When did we become so uncomfortable with human interaction? with raw emotion? with the freedom of expression? with the deep speech? with thinking and sharing? with beholding and caring?


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Shall We Dance

Shall We Dance

Can a dog be taught new tricks
How did it learn the ones it knows
Would you chase your own tail
Blinded by the face on your nose

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The Sound of Pebbles

Each day, after the school, He would first go to the beach, before returning home.

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Each day, He would pick up different pebbles and stones.