The Tears And Tantrums: Discovering The Most Emotional Zodiac Signs!


Most Emotional Zodiac Signs: Twelve Signs' Accurate Descriptions

Do you let your emotions rule over your mind? Maybe it’s in your stars! Find out whether you’re one of the most emotional zodiac signs or not!

We all get emotional at times, albeit some of us are emotional way too much more than the rest. Some are well adept at keeping their emotional side a secret behind a strong exterior of practicality, while others have their feelings near the surface, all the time.

Nonetheless, the way we manage our emotions depends upon our personality and zodiacs say a lot about our personality traits. So, let’s find out who are the most sensitive zodiac signs!

Each zodiac sign tries to deal with emotions in a specific way and it will be an interesting and what we hope, even an insightful read to know how emotional are we according to our zodiac signs. Let’s dig in.

The Most Emotional Zodiac Signs

Find out where you rank in the list of the most emotional zodiac signs!

1. Aries

If they feel something they would let it out

When it comes to Aries emotions, if they feel something, they would let it out. But before doing so, they would try their best to check whether being emotional will be helpful for them or not. But most of the time, their impulse takes over.

Aries people don’t like to be vulnerable, so they don’t express their hurt, but, when angered, they struggle to keep themselves under control. Arieans do get excited, displeased, and angry rather frequently, and they’re infamous for their outbursts.

Aries natives are very emotional and they tend to express what they feel or it all gets pent up within them, making them snap violently at others.

Related: 4 Personality Traits That Are Complete Turn-Offs For Each Zodiac Sign

2. Taurus

Taurus is one of the most emotional zodiac signs

Taureans are known for their grounded and practical nature, but they are also quite emotional. They tend to have a deep connection with their emotions and can be quite sensitive to the feelings of those around them.

Taurus individuals are known for their loyalty and commitment, and they are often deeply invested in their relationships with others.

When it comes to Taurus emotions, they can be quite romantic and passionate, and they value security and stability in their personal and professional lives.

While they may not always wear their hearts on their sleeves, Taurus individuals can be deeply emotional and are often in touch with their feelings.

3. Gemini


Gemini individuals are known for their quick wit and intellectual curiosity, but they are not typically seen as being particularly emotional. They tend to be more cerebral and logical, and may not always acknowledge their emotional experiences.

However, this is not to say that Geminis are completely devoid of emotion. When it comes to Gemini emotions, they can be quite charming and sociable, and they enjoy connecting with others on a personal level.

They may have a tendency to intellectualize their emotions or hide their feelings, rather than fully experiencing or expressing them, which can sometimes make them seem detached or aloof.

Related: 5 Quiet Zodiac Signs Who Also Make The Best Listeners

4. Cancer

Cancer is one of the most emotional zodiac signs

Cancer individuals are known for their deeply emotional and intuitive nature. They tend to be very in touch with their feelings and can be quite sensitive to the emotions of those around them.

They are deeply empathetic and compassionate, and they often prioritize their emotional experiences above all else.

When it comes to Cancer emotions, they can be quite nurturing and caring towards those they love, and they tend to form deep emotional bonds with their friends and family.

However, this emotional sensitivity can sometimes leave them feeling vulnerable and easily hurt. Cancers may also have a tendency to hold onto past emotional experiences, which can make it difficult for them to move on from negative situations.

5. Leo

Leo is one of the most emotional zodiac signs

Generally, Leos want to keep it authentic as they know that there is nothing that can stop them from showing their real selves to the world. It is the best way to be empowered after all.

So, for Leos, expressing themselves emotionally from the beginning is a kind of strength. Plus, sometimes, they would like to reveal something for no reason at all, just to get a reaction.

Leos are extremely passionate and when it comes to expressing their Leo emotions, they don’t hold back. No matter how vulnerable they seem sometimes, they own up to everything.

6. Virgo


Virgo individuals are known for their practical and analytical nature, and they are not typically seen as being particularly emotional.

When it comes to Virgo emotions, they tend to approach the world from a logical and rational perspective.

However, they can be quite sensitive and intuitive, and they may have a strong sense of empathy for those around them. It’s just that they cannot express it.

Virgos may also have a tendency to be perfectionists, and this can lead to an investment in their work or other practical areas of their life, ignoring emotional aspects.

7. Libra

Libra is one of the most emotional zodiac signs

If you have met a Libra, then you will find them to be cold with zero vulnerability. But that is exactly what they want you to believe.

The secret behind Libra emotions is that Libras are one of the most emotional zodiac signs, but they’re not impulsive.

They have firm control over their feelings. Moreover, they have a tendency to overthink and overanalyze. Even though they donโ€™t show it, their emotions and thoughts are in a constant battle inside.

If they are very comfortable with you, they might open up, but before that, be ready to deal with a cold and hardened exterior.

But for a person who overthinks so much, Libra could do well being a bit vulnerable. So now that you know how emotional are Libras, try to be patient with them.

8. Scorpio

Scorpio is one of the most emotional zodiac signs

Scorpios keep their deepest emotions clamped up in their heart. If you are trying to get to know how emotional are they secretly, then chances are you will never get a clue.

They can hide behind masks and would not reveal anything until and unless you have earned their trust, and that is not an easy job.

For Scorpios, exposing their vulnerabilities will make them feel weak. So, they would rather keep a hard exterior than a vulnerable one. Emotions are a power play for them.

Although you can never be sure about the Scorpio emotions, according to astrology, Scorpios are highly emotional, but tend to be secretive, lest they become vulnerable and lose their upper hand in relationships.

9. Sagittarius

They can be quite independent

Sagittarius individuals are known for their adventurous and free-spirited nature, and they may not be seen as particularly emotional.

When it comes to Sagittarius emotions, they tend to approach life with a sense of curiosity and optimism, and may not always express their feelings.

They can be quite independent and may have a tendency to avoid getting too emotionally invested in others, preferring to maintain a sense of personal freedom and independence.

However, they can be passionate and enthusiastic, particularly when it comes to pursuing their goals and interests.

Sagittarians may also have a deep sense of empathy and a desire to help others, which can be a source of emotional fulfillment for them.

10. Capricorn

They are often focused on achieving their goals

Capricorn individuals are known for their practical and ambitious nature, and they are not typically seen as being particularly emotional.

Capricorns are often focused on achieving their goals and may be willing to sacrifice their emotional well-being in order to reach their objectives. However, they may have a strong sense of responsibility toward those they care about.

They may also have a tendency to be guarded when it comes to expressing their Capricorn emotions, preferring to keep their feelings private rather than sharing them with others.

Related: 6 Cold-Hearted Zodiac Signs, They Hardly Feel Anything!

11. Aquarius


You will end up getting confused in your quest to figure out Aquarius emotions because they don’t like to indulge in over-displays of emotions.

Aquarius individuals are known for their intellectual and innovative nature, and they may be seen as emotionally avoidant.

They approach relationships with a bit of detachment and objectivity, and may not always be upfront with their feelings.

Just like Sag, Aquarians too prize independence and may avoid people who get too attached to them. Aquarians prefer to maintain a sense of personal freedom and autonomy.

However, they can be passionate and enthusiastic, particularly when it comes to pursuing their personal interests and the causes they believe in. Aquarians may also have a deep sense of philanthropy and a desire to help others.

Related: The Type Of Single Woman You Are According To Your Zodiac Sign

12. Pisces

Pisces is one of the most emotional zodiac signs

Among the most emotional zodiac signs, Pisceans are known for their highly emotional, compassionate, empathic, and intuitive nature. They may be highly attuned to the emotions of those around them.

Pisceans can be very sensitive and may have a tendency to absorb the emotional energy of others, which can sometimes leave them feeling overwhelmed.

They are highly imaginative and creative and may use these qualities to express their Pisces emotions in ways that are both powerful and artistic.

Pisces individuals may also have a deeply spiritual or mystical side, which can add an extra dimension to their emotional experiences.

Most To Least Emotional Zodiac Signs

If you want to know who are the least emotional zodiac signs, then here are the emotional zodiac signs ranked from most to least emotional:

  • Pisces and Cancer
  • Leo and Aries
  • Libra
  • Taurus
  • Scorpio
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius and Sagittarius
  • Virgo
  • Gemini

It’s Always Better To Open Up Some More

It will not be a terrible idea to be a little more vulnerable to the people whom we love. Expressing our emotions is the best way to deal with life. So, as in everything, balance is key when it comes to emotions.

So, are you one of the most unemotional zodiac signs or the most sensitive ones? Leave a comment down below.

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How The Zodiacs Deal With Emotions
how emotional are the zodiac signs?
Zodiac Sign Deals With Their Emotions Pin
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  1. sivagamy saravanan Avatar
    sivagamy saravanan

    Very true…

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