Egotistical People…
• Want you to do good, but not better than them.
• Always need to be right, or have the last word.
• Can not tolerate criticism of any kind, even constructive criticism.
• Are jealous of others, and often think people are jealous of them.
• Can be vindictive and vengeful, when they feel their image is threatened.
• Care more about how they look to the world, than they do about your relationship.
• Are not safe to be in a relationship with. You could give them your left kidney, but if you threaten their ego in any way, you become roadkill.
• Are extremely insecure, sensitive, and fragile, and go on the attack, the minute they feel, their image or the way they want to see themselves is being threatened.
• Can only love people superficially. True love can only exist, where the ego does not take precedence.
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