Divine Presence and The Collective Shadow Of Narcissism


Devine Presence and The Collective Shadow Of Narcissism

Collective Shadow Of Narcissism

I am feeling so very humbled and blessed as once again I witness and feel the Presence of the Divine working in my life.

As the glorious Cosmic Christ Energy Consciousness continues to pour forth upon us all without exception, like many, I have been faced with several challenges since the beginning of this year as the remnants of old structures within and without rapidly dismantle.

One by one I have dealt with them. Because I have the tools, insight and
I know how to do it. This is my job and I am grateful.

This month I was faced with something that I thought was transmuted long ago.

Shadow is a tricky one, it lurks in the unconscious mind and it only emerges when it is nudged into the light of day by a similar frequency of energy.

The issue is around hierarchy and my disdain for this as the cause of many of the troubles of our planet, both in the fields of organized religion and the world of corporate business at the macro level, and has been active in my own life as a former Catholic and former businesswoman at the micro-level.

I have written much about hierarchy, which at the level of personal expression says โ€œI am better (stronger, bigger, cleverer, more experienced, more spiritual, more beautiful, more handsome, more intelligent and so on ) than you. โ€œI know better than youโ€ โ€œI know more than youโ€ and, โ€œby the way, it’s my way or the highwayโ€ โ€œ I am right โ€œ โ€œthis is what we will doโ€ and โ€œI will control you โ€œ

It compares and competes and has nothing to do with unity consciousness.

Not all expressions of the hierarchy are as overt as this. It is usually very well hidden either under a faรงade of grandiosity and superiority or inauthentic sweetness and light, but nevertheless this is what it comes down to when the chips are down.

Consciously I am so far away from this type of thought and behavior and I have done much work on this particular character structure. Yet several weeks ago I noticed a dip in my energy frequency and I recalled a meeting I had were, in my dealings with another, I behaved in a narcissistic way โ€ฆ and there it was, another piece of the collective shadow. Hidden away so carefully and not arisen for many, many years since my โ€œmonster daysโ€ incorporate business.

I was deeply shocked and then went into such sadness and shame around having behaved in such an unconscious way. It is unpleasant to learn we harbor a potential discordancy that is not life-affirming. It takes courage and vulnerability to admit the truth.

Read What Is Toxic Shame and How it Differs From Ordinary Shame

To accept this in me was huge for me. Having done all the work I have done over the years it made it even harder to accept (spiritual ego). The higher egoic self is a part of our consciousness that is even more entrenched than the ordinary lower egoic self because it is operating at a higher frequency.

But fortunately I know my work and through Divine Grace know that when these patterns arise it means there is still a piece of consciousness within that is not integrated fully into the psyche โ€“ (Embodied)

This inhibits the full emergence of our Divine Presence and full Embodiment of the Presence.

These pieces of us that are not integrated are child consciousness and are usually a result of early inadequate mirroring-

If you are in physical form and here now, you carry some of these early distorted developmental patterns due to your connection to the morphogenetic field of our species and early childhood conditioning. Age has nothing to do with this. Nor how many times you have incarnated.

All children need to be truly seen and heard, to be acknowledged, to be loved unconditionally exactly as they are without having to turn into something else to receive love, (objectified), to not have to be a perfect fit of the caregivers perceived ideal of perfection, (a child is already perfect) but to just BE.

When this mirroring is inadequate, the narcissist is born. To lesser and greater degrees, it is comparing and competing; self-esteem is low so that it requires constant external validation of acknowledgment; in the relationship, there is a continual and repeated search outside the self for other who will fill the self: it always needs to be either seen and heard because if it is not โ€œspecialโ€, it perceives its โ€œordinarinessโ€ is not worthy of love; or is afraid to be seen and heard in case it is not enough/good enough and is rejected. And of course, the most insidious trait that finally emerges is the inability to fully โ€œseeโ€ another as the Divine Being they truly are because there has been no early modeling of this for them.

I use the term it purposely because this is a character structure and nothing to do with who the person really is.

We can see some of these character traits prevalent in todayโ€™s youth exhibited in the constant need for โ€˜selfiesโ€™ and external validation;
In spiritual leaders who need to consistently proclaim their status; in titles and glamorization of ability; in business leaders who cannot relinquish control and see their team/employees/co-workers as objects to be manipulated and โ€œless thanโ€

For me the realization of what had occurred in this one interaction came flooding into my conscious awareness like a light bulb going on and I believe it was time locked in order to bring this whole topic into the light now at this crucial and yet most exciting time on earth.

This took place in the collective field of a group of leaders who are following an evolutionary impulse to move away from a hierarchical structure. And who, in that very moment, had been in discussion about how to do that. It is no surprise to me that this whole energy constellation was triggered and I am now writing this article

These hidden character traits of some of the most prolific spiritual and business leaders are existent across a vast spectrum. Our entire planet is currently run by this outdated model. In order to dismantle the hierarchical model of leadership finally requires us to deal with this COLLECTIVE SHADOW.

The behavior of the one or the circumstances mirroring the pattern holds the same issue. This is the trigger at a personal level. Here we have a choice.

We can either deny this or, as the light of understanding pours in, we can have full acceptance and surrender our judgmentalism. This means we do not condone the behavior, but also we do not condemn and in humility, we surrender our own egoโ€™s narcissistic gain that arises when we judge another (I am superior to)

We hold deep compassion and forgiveness for ourselves and other. And then step away and fully into our own undistorted power expression. By relinquishing our emotionalized judgment we clear the way for peace and harmony.

Unless we do this work in ourselves first we are actually holding the energetics of this distorted energy in place in the collective. This is true for all the distorted energy patterns within human beings

There is a huge upside to these aha moments โ€“

Even when we have done much work on our known issues there can still be pieces of the pattern hidden, just like there was in me – the TRUE GOLD beneath shadow work.

Because, what we do for ourselves we do for others and we shift consciousness exponentially the more work we do. The path of introspection is the only way to access these hidden portions of our unconscious minds and initially, we all need help to spot the patterns and eradicate the distortions.

It is not easy, but ultimately the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for this piece of child consciousness fills any broken places within, transmutes the wound and its constellation and integrates the consciousness into the adult self. In doing so it helps chip away at the collective field of this shadow prevalent in so many leaders.

Why? Because, yes you got it, we are all interconnected, interrelated and interdependent. It is only through our OWN change in consciousness that we can affect the collective and thereby we change our collective, external world.

If we do this work together as a group imagine how quickly we can shift these old outworn ways of being.

This should be our prime focus if we wish to fully bring forth and live from our Divine Presence and co- create all we vision for our new earth.

If any of the above resonates with you and if you would like to join me to explore this topic a little more then I invite you to come to a FREE LIVE AND INTERACTIVE MASTERCLASS -I will be held 5 April.

It is will be my honor to be in Presence with you


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