Caption This Image and Selected Wisepicks – 16 June 2021


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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)

We have selected 25 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook PageFacebook GroupYou tube and Linked in as on 18 June 2021.


Charlie Prince

Some people have a way
of looking down on you,
but that’s a reflection of them,
and not a reflection of you.


Matthew Diengdoh

What defines you is not
someone’s else definition of you.
As long as you allow and listen
to people’s dictation of
who you are and should be,
you’ll never realize
your own true worth.


Tanu Joshi

Be confident about
who you are at the core.
You don’t need validation
of those who fail to
honor your worth.


Rose George

Walk away from
toxic relationships,
know yourself worth
and value yourself
appreciating your


Araliza Arias

For the nutrients that
are in your silence and
the fertility that is
in your muteness,
do not allow destructive
words to damage the
concept of yourself.


Er Sunita Sahoo

Don’t let those deriding or
degrading words perturb
your inner composure,
You’re perfectly imperfect,
so love the person you
see in front of the mirror!


Lou Angelique Heruela

If he hurts you
with his words,
then walk away
before it gets worse.
Remember, someone
who loves you for real
will always care
about how you feel.

Some people have a way
of looking down on you,
but that’s a reflection of them,
and not a reflection of you.


Roccio Saldaña

Diminishing words can
deeply penetrate and
lacerate someone’s spirit
when constantly expressed.


Anjana Surendran

Her dreams were shadowed,
her thoughts were abused,
her trauma was tortured,
she was made a victim.
For he created the dictum!


Dipanweeta Das

Alone is better than
being lonely in a
noxious relationship.


Jamby B. Maupoy

Let go no matter
how hard. It’s the
only choice we have
in saving ourselves
from falling apart.


Mrinalini Saurav Kakkar

Better to be independent
than a false dependency
upon toxic relationships.


Rinku Shah

He is gaslighting
to break you down.
Stand up, walk away
and adjust your crown!


Pameli Mukherjee

Turn your face towards
self-composure to
leave behind the shadow
of destructive criticism.


Angela Lee

Hurtful, unkind and
upsetting words are
like weapons piercing
into our hearts,
minds and souls.
Knock them off.


Niranjana Shankar

How others treat you,
is a reflection of
their personality.
Don’t let it affect
or define yours.


Kufre Panther Stephens

Do not succumb
to his hurtful words,
stand up and
take your place.


Lisa Pfeiffer

Shaming kills the human spirit.


Amb Maid Čorbić

You will know words when
you be alone in the dark.


Pooja Sharda

Never compromise
on your dignity.
Your dignity may be
assaulted or cruelly
mocked but it can
never be taken away
unless it is surrendered.


Joie Bose

In a patriarchal world,
a man’s silence to a woman
is the demon that kills her.


Andrea Keener

The words spewed
by a narcissistic abuser
is the fears of their
worthlessness, not yours.


Monica Mey

Recognizing other people’s
projections can save you
years from thinking that
you’re less than who you are.


Quantum X

Oftentimes, it’s the
shallow shadows
that strike with
the most depth.


Ayushee Sao

Never doubt yourself
and let yourself down
because of other
people’s judgment.
Maybe they are
projecting their
insecurities on you.

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