What Your Blood Type Reveals About Your Personality


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What Blood Type Reveals About Personality

According to a Japanese concept, the blood type of a person shapes their character and temperament. Learn what your blood type says about your personality.

In 1930, Japanese professor Tokeji Furukawa identified from his study that each blood type reflects the personality of a person who possessed it. This led to the popularity of the term โ€œKetsueki-gataโ€, which refers to personality analysis based on the blood type of a person.

People in Japan believe in the blood type personality theory. So, they are fond of asking blood types of other people. They use blood group compatibility as a tool for couples to be in romantic relationships or to assess the potential of an employee.ย Isnโ€™t it interesting?

So what are you waiting for, discover what your blood type says about your personality.

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What Your Blood Type Says About Your Personality

There are four different blood types:ย  A, B, O, and AB. Each of the types differs from the others based on the antigens present on the surface of red blood cells. These antigens explain the effectiveness of your immune system.

Letโ€™s have a look at the different blood types and the kind of qualities each possesses along with which blood type is compatible with another.

1. Blood Type O

Blood Type O Reveals About Personality

Best Traits: Ambitious, athletic, self-confident, robust, and natural leaders.

Worst Traits: Arrogant, vain, insensitive, and ruthless.

Famous Os: Al Capone, Gerald Ford, Mikhail Gorbachev, John Gotti, Crystal Kay, Queen Elizabeth II, John Lennon, Paul Newman, Elvis Presley, Ronald Reagan

Type Oโ€™s are outgoing and very social. They are initiators, although they donโ€™t always finish what they start. As are creative and popular and love to be the center of attention and appear very self-confident. They always make a good impression on people.

Blood Type O individuals tend to be loners or leaders and are intuitive, focused, self-reliant, and daring. They handle stress better than other blood types and have strong immune systems, a well-developed physique, and a physically active nature.

Blood type Oโ€™s tend to have sluggish blood flow and feel better with vigorous exercise for about an hour each day. They prefer to live in a peaceful or friendly environment.

2. Blood Type A

Blood Type A Reveals About Personality

Best Traits: Conservative, introverted, reserved, artistic, patient and punctual, trustworthy, Perfectionists.

Worst Traits: Obsessive, stubborn, self-conscious and uptight.

Famous As: George H. W. Bush, Ayumi Hamasaki, O.J. Simpson, Britney Spears, Alan Alda, Adolf Hitler, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, Jet Li, Maki Nomiya, Rick James

People with Blood Type A often bottle up anxiety in order to get along with others, they may hold in their emotions until they explode. Many are tense, impatient, and unable to sleep well. While they are capable of leadership positions, they may not take them because the stress is not good for their tightly wired systems.

In Japan, many โ€œAโ€โ€™s are in research. They have roles in discovering more about and refining science, economics, manufacturing, etc. Their research on microflora and other areas of medicine is some of the best and most meticulous in the world.

They are perfectionists and this quality shows up in their perfecting electronics like TVs and also less expensive more efficient cars that were originally created here in the US.

Blood type Aโ€™s tend to have more sensitive constitutions. Too much stress weakens their immunity more quickly than other blood types. Low stomach acid is common among blood type Aโ€™s even from birth, so special care should be taken when eating animal proteins.

Using digestive enzymes, like Assist Dairy and Protein, along with consuming fermented foods and drinks is really a must for Aโ€™s.

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3. Blood Type B

Blood Type B Reveals About Personality

Best Traits: Goal-oriented, Creative, passionate, animal-loving, optimistic, flexible, and individualistic.

Worst Traits: Forgetful, irresponsible, and self-centered.

Famous Bs: Akira Kurosawa, Jack Nicholson, Luciano Pavarotti, Tom Selleck, Mia Farrow, Paul McCartney, Leonardo DiCaprio, Vince Young

Blood type B individuals tend to be balanced: thoughtful like Aโ€™s and yet ambitious like Oโ€™s. Goal-oriented and strong-minded, type Bโ€™s will start a task and continue it until completed, and completed well. They are very strong and optimistic & like to live in a pleasant & peaceful environment.

Type Bโ€™s are the individualists of the blood group categories and find their own way in life. They are empathetic, easily understanding othersโ€™ points of view, yet often hesitating to challenge or confront. Chameleon-like and flexible, they make good friends. Moody, Outgoing, and very charming, they are good at reading people and providing support.

4. Blood Type AB

Blood Type AB Reveals About Personality

Best Traits: Cool, controlled, rational, introverted, and empathic.

Worst Traits: Aloof, critical, indecisive, and unforgiving.

Famous ABs: John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Mick Jagger, Thomas Edison, Bob Sapp, Miyavi, Jackie Chan, Ken Kitamura

Blood Type AB individuals tend to be very charming and popular. They donโ€™t sweat the small stuff and can be seen as spiritual and even at times a bit โ€œflakyโ€. Only about 2 to 5% of the population are blood type AB.

There is never a dull moment in an ABโ€™s life, so if you find one for a friend, consider yourself lucky! You’ll enjoy some exciting times together! But, Type ABโ€™s are split personalities. They can be both outgoing and shy, confident and timid. While responsible, too much responsibility will cause a problem. They are trustworthy and like to help others.

Like blood type Aโ€™s, ABโ€™s react to stress poorly. They are stronger and more active than type Aโ€™s but need to pay attention to stress levels so that they donโ€™t compromise their immunity. Sometimes it is difficult to be an AB. ABโ€™s donโ€™t like to fit in anyone elseโ€™s โ€œboxesโ€.

If they feel too confined, theyโ€™ll break out of that box and do things their own way. When it comes to food choices and AB must discover when they are more B-like or A-like. For example, dairy foods like milk kefir can be excellent for them or not good at all.

Related: What Do Your Eyes Reveal About Your Personality? Fun Personality Test

Blood Group Compatibility

  • A is most compatible with A and AB
  • B is most compatible with B and AB
  • AB is most compatible with AB, B, A, and O
  • O is most compatible with O, and AB

Related video about what your blood types reveal about your personality:

Blood Type Determines Your Personality

So whatโ€™s your blood type? Do you think this blood type personality test is relatable? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Find out What Your Blood Type Reveals About Your Personality
The Japanese Blood Type Theory Reveals Your Personality
what your blood type says about your personality
What Your Blood Type Says About Your Personality: 4 Different Blood Types
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