Best Quote: Wisdom Quotes

Some say wisdom comes with age. Others say wisdom is the sum total of our mistakes. There’s some kernel of truth in both of these statements. As we traverse the path of life, we gather experiences, we make errors, and we learn the hard way. And here lies the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is given to us and wisdom has to be acquired.

All the best wisdom quotes about life reverberate with insights that could have only been accumulated by continuously learning from life experiences. We all decode life in our own way, and so, if you’re interested to read quotes about wisdom from people around the world, including historical figures, head over to The Minds Journal.

  • To die young, as late as possible

    To die young, as late as possible

  • Close some doors today

    Close some doors today

  • I did not lose myself all at once.

    I did not lose myself all at once.

  • How Much You Have Always, Loved To Swim

    How Much You Have Always, Loved To Swim

  • Hungry is not an Emotion

    Hungry is not an Emotion

  • I saw Grief Drinking from a cup of sorrow

    I saw Grief Drinking from a cup of sorrow

  • When actions have spoken the truth

    When actions have spoken the truth

  • Everything went to chaos

    Everything went to chaos

  • I Always Had My Head Wrapped Around The Idea

    I Always Had My Head Wrapped Around The Idea

  • That’s how the light gets in