10 Beautiful Pieces Of Life Advice For Every Stage Of Your Journey


Life Advice For Every Stage Of Your Journey

1. Accept the fact that there are things in your life that won’t go the way you want them to.

Accept the fact that there are people who will turn their backs to you when you need them the most. Accept the fact that happiness doesn’t come from people and things around you, it will come within you. Accept the fact that everyone will get tired and they can hurt and leave you. Accept the fact that behind every heartache, there will always be a reason, a lesson. Accept the fact that every person you will meet will bring changes in your life, and some of them will have the greatest impact and some will put you in the darkest night. Acceptance is the key.

2. The real world is like nothing you ever expected.

We were taught to follow a pattern and live our lives to rules set by society. They expect us to find a job that’s related on our degree, adjust our preferences to fit in, earn a lot of money, buy a car, fall in love, marry and then raise a family. And if you follow all that, you’ll be successful. Why? Because we’re living in a success-based society where if you don’t follow the boundaries, you’re nothing but a failure.

But life is more than that. It’s about making decisions for your own good and coping up with changes and transitions. We should set our own boundaries. So don’t be afraid to be different. Don’t be afraid to fail.

People will criticize you if you don’t have a title around your belt but don’t get discouraged. If you think that you’re on the wrong path of the profession, don’t be afraid to change direction. Take control, put yourself first.

3. Never beg for love.

Never beg someone to love you back or be with you when you want to. Never beg for someone’s time, commitment, affection, and attention. Never beg someone to stay with you when you need them the most. Because if they loved you that much, they won’t have let go of your hand in the first place. You should never have to beg for the attention of the one you’re meant to be with because they will already be there. If you have to beg, he/she is not worth it. No one is worth begging for.

Read 5 Signs It’s Time To Let Go Of A Relationship

4. There will be moments in your life where you’ll be tired of everything, but press on.

Some days, you will wake up and not want to talk to anyone around you and just want to be alone. You won’t figure out what’s wrong with you because all you know is that you just want to be by yourself. No explanations, no deep reasons. You will search for a space of silence in this noisy world. You will detach yourself slowly from people around you and start living without them. You will shake off negativity and be neutral. Coffee and music will be your best friends; you will shut down from the world you’re living in for a moment. Inactivity will take place. This phase is called hibernation. You will get tired in life eventually, and it’s normal. You will slow things down, reinvigorate your soul, purpose, and life through it. And once you are done, you will be ready to live again with a newer and better version of yourself.

5. Don’t forget to love yourself as much as you love others.

Sometimes we love people so deeply that we forget to love ourselves. We give others the chance to be our world and be in every part of it. We give them the ability to create emotional attachments and to break our hearts. But in the end, they won’t love us back the way we love them and eventually, they will get tired and leave us behind. They can’t give what we need or what we deserve. And there are people around us who love us so much, people who are willing to give what we need, that they will do everything for us to see our worth, but we choose to neglect them. That’s life. We often give ourselves so much to people that we don’t deserve and we often reject people who are willing to be part of our world. So remember to love, but to always love yourself, too.

Read The Art Of Self-Love

6. Stop expecting people to save you every time.

It’s your job to save yourself. Everyone has an hourglass; everyone has their own limitations. People will say, ‘I’ll always be there for you’, but it doesn’t mean you can rely on them every time. Stop expecting people to be superheros when you need them the most. Stop depending on others. At the end of the day, you should learn how to save yourself from drowning. Because everyone is busy trying to save themselves.

7. Love doesn’t fade even after the breakup.

It stays within you, and it will always be with you even though you’ve already moved on and found someone else. It will always have a special place in your heart that will never be filled with anyone, it will always be that person. It just converts into something less like care and friendship. But it stays. It will never run dry. Love will always be there.

Read 13 Signs He Is Still Not Over His Ex

8. Don’t get easily attached to someone you’ve just seen each passing day.

Don’t get too attached to someone who makes you feel that you’re important and fun to be with. Be strong enough to neglect the chances of longing and missing them. Be invincible as long as you can. Because there will be a moment that they will leave you and depart from your life and you will realize that they have taken a part of you that you will never get back again even though you didn’t mean to give it away.

9. Remember that you cannot go back anymore.

Everything that happened in your past will always stay there as you continue your journey in life. The people you loved will always be a part of you. They won’t distract you unless you look back and let the past consume you. They just exist to remind you how you overcame the storms in your life. They are the living proof that you matter, and that you are stronger now. Don’t ever go back; you’re now in a better place. Keep walking. Leave your past behind you.

10. Remember that you don’t have to be friends with everyone around you.

It’s not necessary to add everyone on your social media accounts and give them a daily glimpse of your life or even talk to them every single day to be a step closer to your inner soul. Life is less drama and bullcrap if you keep your circle small. It keeps you away from the pressure and negativity and gives you the room to grow with the people you love. You can’t always trust everyone around you, so carefully pick the people who you will trust with your stories and plans in life. Be with people who support your goals, motivate you, feed you with goodness, cheer you up when you feel down and bring positivity in your life. The smaller your circle, the clearer your vision. Respect everyone, but trust few.

Life Advice For Every Stage Of Your Journey

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