Suzanne Lachmann Psy.D.


How Hope Can Sabotage A Relationship

When your hope about who and what they are supposed to be goes unchecked, you can end up feeling

How To Deal With Your Partner’s Ex

There are so many emotions swirling around your partner’s previous relationship that it can be

When Trauma Affects Your Trust In Your Relationship

Whether you’re in a new relationship or one that’s established, you may be looking to your pa

9 Do’s And Don’ts Of Texting In A New Relationship

When a relationship is new, it’s easy to seek validation and connection via text… and when yo

11 Types Of Men You Might Encounter When Dating Online

Some men use the Internet to find relationships. Others use it to run from them.

10 Sources Of Low Self-Esteem And How They Manifest

What happened as you grew up was not your fault.

7 Stages Of Grieving A Breakup And Finally Letting Go

Understanding your emotional response to a breakup can help you feel less alone.

10 Ways Low Self Esteem Affects Women In Relationships

If you can’t see your own worth, how can you believe a partner will?