Aaron Ben-Zeév


Why Some People Are Glad When Their Partner Has A New Lover?

While compersion is not a miracle cure, it is also not a poison.

The Fascination Of Mismatched Partnerships: What Happens When We Date Out Of Our League

Desiring superior potential partners, who are about 25 percent more desirable than how we see our

The Surprising Benefits Of Sleeping Apart For Stronger Relationships

Sleeping apart is often, but not always, beneficial for a couple’s health and romantic experien

The Problem With Playing Hard To Get And The Benefits Of An “In Due Course” Relationship

The main problem of playing hard to get is its deceptive and manipulative nature, which prevents

Romantic Inequality: How It Can Lead To Extramarital Affairs

When decreasing inequality enhances envy and increasing inequality stokes love.

The Best Way To Find The Right Partner For You

If you are someone, who is on a quest to find the right partner for yourself, then you will have