12 Signs You’re Doing Much Better Than You Think You Are


Signs You’re Doing Much Better Than You Think You Are

It’s really easy to get caught up in your own head and believe you’re behind where you’re supposed to be for your age or that a single mistake is the end of the world. But the reality is that you’re doing better than you think you are.

People are never satisfied with what they have, such is human nature. No matter how much you have, at some point, you might end up thinking that you don’t have enough, or that you need to feel better about your life. Feelings like these sometimes are alright, but all the time? Nope.

Many times, you might not realize this but if you just stop for a moment and look, you will see that you’re doing much better than you think you are.

Here Are 12 Signs You’re Doing Better Than You Think You Are

1. You’re uncertain about most things.

Constantly wondering and questioning everything is a sign of intelligence, even though most people don’t know this. It is also a sign of integrity, and modesty when you think that you need to be better, or your life needs to be better. The more you work on improving yourself and bettering yourself, the more success you will be setting yourself up for.

Like Charles Bukowski said – “The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”

Related: 22 Thought Provoking Quotes by Charles Bukowski

2. You don’t feel content easily.

This is such an important thing because it means you’re self-aware and you don’t want to settle – and that’s the first and most crucial step towards change. So many people get satisfied and content easily, be it professionally, physically or emotionally, that it stunts their growth in life.

Winning at life means you never stop knowing yourself. You never stop striving for the best. You never stop discovering new things about yourself. And most importantly, you never stop working harder than the day before.

3. You loved the wrong person and you suffered a broken heart.

Everyone at least once in their lives falls for the wrong person and have their heart broken. Even though it might hurt a lot at that point in time, a broken heart can teach you so much about life. It doesn’t just turn you into a stronger person, it helps you understand the value of love and your own value.

Once you have your heart broken, you realize what you want from love, and most importantly, what you DON’T want. You start raising your standards, and only when the right person comes along, and respects you for who you are, only then do you open up your heart again.

Related: 6 Signs A Man Is Carrying A Broken Heart

4. You are still hurting because you lost something valuable.

If you are still hurting, because you have lost something or someone priceless, it means that you are still surviving, and you are still healing. Life is not easy, nor is it supposed to be. Every obstacle that life throws at you, it is up to you to decide how you want to deal with it. Do you want to sit in front of it, and cry? Or do you want to try your best to jump over it, and be victorious?

When you still hurt because you have lost something valuable of yours, it means that you are human, you are alive, and what you are feeling is completely natural. As long as you hurt, you will know that you will heal. It may take a lot of time, but you will indeed heal.

5. You feel lost.

Feeling lost once in a while isn’t always a bad thing. Sometimes it means that you’re ahead of the game. Anyone who thinks they’ve got it all figured out is settling for something that is okay or sort of good enough.

You feel lost because you know that there is so much more inside of you than what you’re currently offering the world. Being lost keeps you hungry, motivated, and helps you to move forward. Know this, that you are exactly where you need to be right now, and you are exactly where you belong.

6. Your ego has been really hurt.

When your ego gets hurt, see it as a positive thing. You might feel angry, insulted, or irritated, but your hurt ego can propel you towards greatness. It can serve as a strong driving force for you to win in life, and be the best version of yourself. Your hurt ego will always help you fulfill all your dreams, and goals with a lot of fervor, and determination.

Like Jillian Michaels always says, “A bad day for your ego is a great day for your soul.”

Related: Ego, Enlightenment And Pain

7. You have just 1-2 meaningful friendships in your life.

If you have one person in your life who just gets you, that you can call crying at 4 a.m., know that you are one of those lucky people who has the best kind of friends. It is really hard to come across people who can understand you without you saying much, and if you have people like that in your life, never ever let them go.

Good people and good friends are difficult to come by, and you should value people who stand by you when no one else does. That is the mark of a rock-solid friendship. Always remember it is better to have 2-3 good friends, than a ton of friends who show no loyalty towards you. Quality over quantity, always.

8. You’ve made many mistakes.

Mistakes are inevitable in a life worth living. As long as you learn from them, mistakes are very important. They teach you exactly what you want and who you want to be. Everyone makes mistakes in their lives, and everyone falters at some point.

But that’s okay. As long as you learn from your mistakes, and use the lesson to better yourself, and your life, you are good to go.

9. You feel miserable sometimes.

Maybe it’s because of a breakup, a divorce, losing a job, or life’s just getting you down – whatever it is, the harder you slam a ball into the ground, the higher it bounces back up. Such is life that sometimes it is going to make things difficult for you, but at the same time, it will make you stronger, resilient, more compassionate, appreciative, and smarter.

Life is always going to teach you new things, it is up to you whether you accept it’s lessons and learn.

Related: 10 Pieces Of Timeless Spiritual Wisdom To Help You Get Through Hard Times

10. You faced rejections.

Always remember that when one door closes another door always opens. You just have to have faith in yourself, and life’s plans for you. If you open your eyes, you will see the next door that opens is a better door.

Life may be tough to handle sometimes, but it is a beautiful thing to experience. Take the good things that it has to offer, learn from your rejections, work harder, and build the life of your dreams.

11. You did not get to experience your perfect ending.

Some of the best stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about making the best of each moment because we really don’t know what will happen next. Maybe you didn’t get your perfect ending, but you will get something so much better, you never know.

The best thing about life is its unpredictability. So, instead of stressing out constantly about what might happen in the future, focus on your present, enjoy it, and make the most of what you got.

12. You’re not the same person you were a year ago.

So many people never change. They get stuck in their stubborn ways and never progress. Life is all about evolving. What they don’t realize is that life is ever-changing, and change is the only constant. If you don’t change yourself and adapt to change, you will be stuck in the same place forever.

In order to grow, you need to be malleable, and go with the flow of life.

So, the next time you feel that your life is not going great, come back to this piece and realize that you’re doing much better than you think. The secret to having a happy life is not having a perfect life; it is all about being fulfilled, and content with what you have, and what life has to offer you.

If you want to know more about the signs that you’re doing much better than you think you are, then check this video out below:

12 Signs You’re Doing Much Better Than You Think You Are
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