11 Ways Your Divorce Makes You Better Than Before

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Thereโ€™s a silver lining to every cloud. Divorce can drain you out of your mental energy but buckle up for a life changing journey ahead of it all.

I donโ€™t think anyone ever responds to the childhood question, โ€œWhat do you want to be when you grow up?โ€ with โ€œDivorced.โ€ Yet, for many of us, the end of a marriage does become part of our life story. I know I donโ€™t have to point out the downsides of divorce to you; after all, they have a way of speaking for themselves.

But what about the upsides? What about the ways that your divorce, even if it was of the unwanted or malignant variety, has made you better than before?

Because whether you realize it or not, divorce (like many other life challenges) has changed you. Shaped you. Strengthened you. Its harsh grit has left you polished. Its demands have made you grow. And the pain has left its mark.

You arenโ€™t the same person you were before. Youโ€™re better.

Here Are 11 Ways Your Divorce Makes You Better Than Before

1) Maturity

You may have to be a legal adult to get married, but there are no tests for maturity before we pledge our lives wed to another. And in many cases, we enter our first marriages still children in many ways. Perhaps we placed too much faith in the idea ofย soulmatesย and happily ever after. Maybe we didnโ€™t fully appreciate the effort that marriage requires.

And possibly we still carried childhood wounds and patterns into our marriages rather than assuming adult responsibility for our own responses.

Divorce is like a drill sergeant yelling, โ€œGrow up!โ€ into your tear-streamed face. It leaves no room for childhood fantasies and overdependence on others. It requires that you put on your big girl panties or big-boy briefs. Maybe for the first time in your life.

Related: 50 Divorce Quotes That Will Help You Move On

2) Confidence

In the beginning, divorce saps your confidence. You may be feeling defeated because you couldnโ€™t hold your marriage together. If an affair was part of your divorce story, youโ€™re wondering what the new partner had that you do not. And once you face the dating scene again, yet older and saggier than before, your self-doubt grows.

However, thatโ€™s only part of the story.

Because whenever you successfully complete something that you thought you could not do, you gain confidence. Whenever you have to reframe your assumptions about your weaknesses and limitations, you fuel belief in yourself.

Whenever you face your fears and survive, you acquire strength. And whenever you come through a struggle bruised and battered yet without giving up, you build trust in your abilities. Andย divorce certainly provides these opportunitiesย in spades.

3) Perspective

The only way to truly understand something is to first walk through it and then step back and look at it from a distance.

Thereโ€™s a reason that some of the best marriage advice comes from people who have been divorced โ€“ they know the beginning, the middle, and what can lead to the end in a way that those only speaking from within cannot fathom.

As time goes on, and yourย divorce moves further back in the rearview mirror, you will be able to see patterns less clouded by emotion and cluttering detail. That perspective gives you information that you can use to change your own behaviors and to improve your future relationships.

4) Gratitude

When you lose everything, you take nothing for granted. With a divorce, you lose your past memories, your present marriage, and your future dreams. If youโ€™re like me, you also lost so much more, left with nothing but your clothes and your determination to survive.

And asย the dust settles, you will find an increased thankfulness for the friends that stepped up and stood by. You will treasure every day where the smiles outnumber the tears. And you will retain that gratitude even as the pain fades because once you have felt rock bottom, you appreciate everything that lifts you up.

5) Empathy

When you have felt pain, you honor, and respect that pain in others. The end of marriage makes you more empatheticย towards people facing any kind of loss. As you move towards acceptance and forgiveness of your situation and your ex, you develop your ability to see more than one viewpoint and to consider the feelings of others.

Divorce also wipes away the ego that demands that itโ€™s shameful to ask for help. And once youโ€™ve needed and accepted that help yourself, youโ€™re better equipped to render aidย to others.

Related: Life After Divorce: Why You Must Start Over and Reinvent Yourself

6) Responsibility

Itโ€™s all too easy to unwittingly put the responsibility for our life in our spouseโ€™s hands. We may look to them to provide our happiness. We may lean on them when we are upset or having difficulty with a decision. Itโ€™s good to be interdependent, yet divorce requires that you learn to be independent.

When you walk out of that courtroom, your life is in your hands. You no longer have a co-captain, youโ€™re driving alone.

One of the first areas you have to assume responsibility for is your own well-being. You canโ€™t outsource healing; you have to do it yourself. Itโ€™s scary taking on all of the responsibility yourself. Yet it also empowering. Because what you own, you can change. Itโ€™s your life now.

7) Humility

Divorce is a harsh lesson in our limitations. It teaches us that no matter how much we want something to be true, we cannot force it into being. Itโ€™s a wake-up call that we all make mistakes and we all make choices whose consequences may be much greater than we ever imagined. You may have been one of theย divorce-deniers, now forced to admit that it can happen to anyone.

The reality-slap of the end of marriage helps you embrace acceptance while limiting expectations.

8) Fortitude

Theย journey of divorce is an arduous one, taking much longer and with more setbacks than any of us imagined before we took that first step. It has many moments of false-hope when we think the worst is behind us, only to find that we are snapped back yet again to the depths of hopelessness.

Divorce takes grit to survive. You flex your fortitude as you continue on even when you canโ€™t yet seeย the end.

9) Awareness

Many people see divorce as a wake-up call, often realizing that they were living in auto-pilot before they signed their โ€œI Un-dos.โ€ Divorce is a major change in the status quo. Itโ€™s a time where everything stands out in stark relief and there is an awareness and clarity that may have been absent before.

Furthermore, as part of the healing and growth process, you may turn to meditation or yoga, deepening your mindfulness and consciousness. You may have been asleep before, but youโ€™re wide awake now.

Related: What To Do If Your Life Is A Mess After Divorce

10) Ingenuity

Divorce has a way of surprising us will all kinds of situations requiring novel and often immediate solutions. Whether it be how to afford rent on a fraction of your previous budget or how to parent your children with your difficult ex, you are constantly placed in the role of problem-solver.

And the more we do something, the more proficient we become. And the end of a marriage will give you plenty of opportunities to develop your ingenuity.

11) Wisdom

Many use divorce as an opportunity for reflection and analysis. With the ego stripped away, you are raw and ready to learn. Listen. Thereโ€™s wisdom in the lessons hidden at the end of a marriage.

Written by Lisa Arends
Originally appeared on Lessons From The End Of Marriage
11 Ways Your Divorce Changes You For The Better
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