10 Trippy Moving Optical Illusions To Trick Your Brain And Reveal Your Personality


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Moving Optical Illusions Trick Brain Reveal Personality

Optical illusions are an interesting branch of psychology that trick the vision and the mind. Here are some moving optical illusions to reveal your personality traits.

The universe is full of complicated phenomena and mind-blowing things. The things we see do not exist and the things that exist, we do not see. Our vision is related to the functioning capacity of the brain.

Though at an elemental level all brains are structured in the same way, not all minds are the same. They differ sometimes in the form of subtle nuances, and other times the differences are not so subtle.

Some interesting facts about optical illusions:

  • 1. The contrasting colors or lighting often imparts the illusion of motion. This illusionary motion, in reality, is not valid.
  • 2. Women are better at solving optical illusions related problems than men. In fact, women are better with deciphering the differences between various colors, patterns, and designs. This might be a very good explanation for why women are better shoppers than men. Because men cannot distinguish the differences. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • 3. Men have higher rates of having color blindness at 8% while women stand at only 3%
  • 4. The color tones in a womanโ€™s body are more varied than a man’s. Surprised? Well, the illusion! Illusion!
  • 5. Autistic traits of an individual can be determined through optical illusion.
  • 6. The brain identifies a rectangle faster than a circle. As most of the objects of our environment are rectangular in shape.
  • 7. Our mind’s eye is functional in nature. So, we see elaborate systems of circles, rectangles, etc rather than just groups of messy pixels.
  • 8. Symmetry is an illusion of the brain that it often conjures up.

They say โ€œseeing is believing,โ€ but can you really trust what you see?

Read on to find out more about optical illusions and how they are related to the human mind, sub consciousness and the overall personality in itself.

10 Types Of Moving Optical Illusions Reveal Your Personality

1. Trippy Optical Illusion #1

Which direction do you see this image spinning?

Moving Optical Illusions
10 Moving Optical Illusion Test

Results – You Let Your Imaginations Run Amuck

A free thinker will see the image spinning from left to right, while a traditionalist will notice the movement from right to left. So, what are you a free thinker who lets her imagination run wild or a logical owl who asses logic behind everything?

2. Trippy Optical Illusion #2

Moving Optical Illusions Trick Brain To which Direction are you headed

Results – Which Direction Are You Headed To?

Concentrate your vision on both the inner and outer circles. What do you see in this moving optical illusion? If you spot movement in the inner circle, then you are an introvert. Movement on the outer circle shows you are an obnoxiously extrovert.

3. Trippy Optical Illusion #3.

Do you see this image moving?

Moving Optical Illusions Trick Brain Do you see this image moving

Results – If You See Movement, Then You Need To De-clutter Your Mind!

Dear fella, please learn to focus your mind on constructive things. This moving optical illusions tells about your restlessness of the mind. If you see zero movements, then pat yourself on your back. If not, get your meditating mats out faster! You need to focus your mind.

4. Trippy Optical Illusion #4

Can you see the bubbles moving in a particular direction?

10 Trippy Moving Optical Illusions

Results – If Yes, Then, You Are A Born Musician

Did you know your mind is a musical entity? Did you not? Well yes, most definitely your mind is musical. Though your mind may be more musical than your friend. Movements in the bubbles from left to right denote you are a born musician with the knowledge of tones and rhythms.

5. Trippy Optical Illusion #5

Is this spiralling left to right – or right to left?

10 Brain Moving Optical Illusions Tests

Results – You Are Either A Realist Or A Pessimist!

If you see the spiral spanning from left to right, you are a realist. If you see the spiral from left to right, then you probably fret a lot about the smallest of things.

6. Trippy Optical Illusion #6

Do you see a snake here?

10 Trippy Moving Optical Illusions To Trick Your Brain And Reveal Your Personality

Results – If Yes, Then You Have Trust Issues

Snakes have been symbolic parts of mythology and psychology. Dreams about snakes are symbolical for your mind. In optical illusion as well, if you see snakes it says a lot about your mind space and personality. If you particularly see serpentine movement in the image, then you have suspicious minds and you do not trust easily.

7. Trippy Optical Illusion #7

Did you see a movement in the middle of the cartwheel?

10 Trippy Moving Optical Illusions That Reveal Your Personality

Results – If Yes, Then You Are Not Punctual

Punctuality is a trait that will help you excel in life. If you see movement in the middle of the cartwheel, then you are not a punctual person at all dear! Value time. Organise your day and routine in a timely manner.

8. Trippy Optical Illusion #8

Do you feel the circular motion from left to right or from right to left?

Moving Optical Illusions Trick Brain Do you feel the circular motion
10 Trippy Moving Optical Illusions That Reveal Your Personality

Results – You Are Adventurous!

Are you an adventurous person who likes to trek hills and walk miles? Or are you a couch potato? If you do not know it yet, well this test will tell you which of it you are. If your eyeballs feel the circular motion is from left to right, then you are an adventurous soul.

9. Trippy Optical Illusion #9

Is this image moving towards you or away from you?

10 Types Of Moving Optical Illusions Reveal Your Personality

Results – The Universe Is In Your Hand!

You are full of positivity and see the good in everything if you see the picture moving towards you. You grab the opportunities at the appropriate times.

10. Trippy Optical Illusion #10

Which ball is bigger – the ball in front, or the one behind?

10 Types Of Moving Optical Illusions Reveal Your Personality

Results – You’re A Master And Decision-Maker

You are a born leader and you have an eye for detailing. If you see the ball at the behind bigger. However, if you see the ball at the front bigger, then you are a behind the scenes person. Meaning you are good at giving advice to people and you like to stay away from the limelight.

The above moving optical illusions tell you a lot about your personality traits and behaviours. Use this form of science to better your life!

Happy seeing!

Tell us which one is your favourite among these moving optical illusions in the comments below.

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