10 Healthy Things To Do When You Feel Lonely, According To Therapists



Feeling lonely can hit like a ton of bricks, whether youโ€™re dealing with adulting, moving away from home or breaking up. But donโ€™t worry because mental health experts suggest some things to do when you feel lonely.

It is not loneliness that is determined only by external factors like physical isolation, but a complex feeling that can take up oneโ€™s whole life no matter how many people are around.

Things To Do When You Feel Lonely

Its significance goes beyond the mere need for company, but itโ€™s also about the mental health, physical well-being as well as life enjoyment.

So, these therapist-approved tips will help to alleviate loneliness. Letโ€™s get started!

10 Therapist-Approved Things to Do When You Feel Lonely

1. Embrace Your Alone Time

Wondering how to not feel lonely even when you do? Well, you need to remind yourself that there are some benefits of being alone.

things to do when you feel lonely

Many therapists around the world suggest taking pleasure in doing what you love, be it watching a marathon of your favorite program on TV, reading an interesting book or just sitting in the park. Change your mind and look for happiness on your own.

Related: 5 Ways To Immediately Feel Less Lonely

2. Plus-One Not Required, Do Your Thing

Donโ€™t let the lack of having a plus-one hold you back. Some of the things to do when you feel lonely are pursuing activities you enjoy solo, be it a museum visit or a cookout.

You might meet people who have similar interests or even find time for yourself while doing something that makes you happy โ€” itโ€™s a win-win!

3. Venture Out!

The act of being in public can help you cope with loneliness. Whether itโ€™s working at a coffee shop or window shopping, the key is to be surrounded by people.

You can even make eye contact or exchange a smile; every tiny interaction counts. Weโ€™re wired to be social creatures, and being in a crowd can make you feel part of something bigger.

4. Build Your Self-Esteem

Wondering how to stop feeling lonely? Experts say that loneliness is usually accompanied by low self-esteem. So acknowledge your greatness and fight back. Think of reasons you are proud of yourself. Remember, many other people feel like this.

5. Reflect on Your Feelings

One of the best things to do when lonely is to understand your emotions and write them down. These thoughts can be put on paper, notes app on your phone, or even on a computer. It is calming and helps one let out his or her feelings that have been kept for a long time.

6. Illustrate Your Loneliness

Another set of things to do when lonely, is to draw what loneliness looks and feels like to you. Externalizing this emotion makes it more manageable. Doodle the color, shape, and location of your loneliness. Itโ€™s a creative way to understand and cope with your feelings.

7. Scroll Through Contacts

When loneliness hits, resist the belief that no one cares. Hereโ€™s how to not feel lonely โ€“ wipe through your contacts, texts, or DMs to remind yourself of the people in your life. Recognizing potential connections is a step toward realizing youโ€™re not truly alone.

8. Beware of Social Media!

While social media can help some feel less lonely, itโ€™s not the best way to cope with loneliness and can also intensify FOMO.

Instead of scrolling through a highlight reel of othersโ€™ lives, opt for real-life conversationsโ€”on the phone, in person, or via Zoomโ€”for a more meaningful connection.

9. Choose Your Style To Socialize

Still wondering how to stop feeling lonely? Well, you can start by understanding what level of connection you crave.

Whenever you engage in a deep conversation, a quick check-in text or even just exchange memes, always go for what seems natural. In the fight against loneliness, there is no template for connection.

10. Challenge Negative Assumptions

If you let fear of rejection stop you from reaching out, call into question these negative beliefs. Remember those times when strangers would talk to you so nicely and make you happy.

Chances are there will be many others who will welcome a friendly chat. Donโ€™t let assumptions stand in the way of potential connections.

Related: How To Feel Less Lonely In Life: 11 Simple Ways

Feeling lonely is a universal experience, and these therapist-approved things to do when you feel lonely can be your toolkit for navigating those moments.

Donโ€™t be afraid to stand on your own; try new things and build self-confidence, remember that people around you also feel lonely. In this way, grab loneliness with both hands and find pleasure in solitude.

things to do when you feel lonely

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