What is the key ingredient to make a relationship work?

What is the key ingredient to make a relationship work?
Whatย is the key ingredient toย make a relationship work?

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  1. Mrs. Gizmo Avatar
    Mrs. Gizmo

    Communication, trust, listening, kindness, and respect. Never call each other bad names(even joking), understanding, being able to make each other laugh, and MAKING the time for the other person.
    To top all of this off never want to quit or give up when it gets rough and tough (because it will!).
    Lastly, making sure YOU work hard at this(your relationship) everyday.
    (When your significant other sees/notices you doing all this for them and the relationship, I guarantee that they will start doing the same in return.!!) —–***(if they see this and don’t reciprocate, then you should know then and there that their not the one for you!!!***

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