10 Surefire Signs You’re Dealing With A Psychopath


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Surefire Signs You're Dealing With a Psychopath

It is hard to identify a psychopath in everyday life. They live among us as normal people and are able to cleverly mask their true identity behind the veil of fake emotions. In public and social gatherings, they expertly mimic normal human emotions to avoid any form of suspicion, and before you realize that you’re dealing with a psychopath, it’s too late.

To them, human emotions are devoid of intrinsic value and are nothing but vulnerabilities waiting to be exploited. A relationship with a psychopath starts off smooth and happy, but in time, you realize the looming misery emanating from their twisted personality.

Related: Psychopath Test Pictures: Are You A Psychopath? Take This Visual Test To Find Out!

10 Warning Signs You Are Dealing With A Psychopath

1. They Will Shower You With Fake Appreciation.

This is the first step in their psychopathic operation. Initially, theyโ€™ll flatter you with compliments and establish a base relation. Theyโ€™ll make sure youโ€™re emotionally invested in them. You will be made to feel excited about meeting them.

Like a chameleon, they are adept at mirroring your dreams and ambitions and relating them to theirs. Theyโ€™ll convince you that thereโ€™s a strong understanding between you two and that youโ€™re someone really special to them.

Theyโ€™ll even go to the extent of saying that theyโ€™ve never felt so good and that youโ€™re the only one who has made them feel that way.

2. They Will Try Their Best To Gain Sympathy From You.

Psychopaths act very innocently when it comes to gaining sympathy or any kind of favor. They will create an atmosphere of sensitivity, where you will be bound to feel sorry for them. Then theyโ€™ll come up with stories. Stories about their lives that never happened.

Theyโ€™ll construct fake histories and tell you how people have been rude to them. That how they were mistreated and robbed of their emotional stability (though it is usually the opposite). They make sure you feel strongly for them and be obliged to excuse them when theyโ€™re out of character.

In this way, they lay the groundwork for justifying their wrongdoings as now youโ€™ve been fed the lie that theyโ€™re traumatized and have been mentally scarred and that it has eventually led to their current behavioral pattern.

They Will Try Their Best To Gain Sympathy From You
Signs psychopath

3. They Will Make You Feel Guilty.

This is one of the classic signs of a psychopath.

Now that youโ€™re emotionally invested in them, youโ€™re in for a shock. A surprise that will sweep you off the ground. By establishing empathy, youโ€™ve now given them the opportunity to introduce their true selves. Youโ€™ll find them barking all of a sudden. Theyโ€™ll pick up petty things and throw a tantrum around it.

To you, this stands in sharp contrast to whatever theyโ€™ve painted earlier. A psychopath will tell you that they hate drama and brawls, but youโ€™ll soon find them contradicting themselves. You might take it as a sign of split personality that has probably gripped them since their traumatic past, but donโ€™t be fooled.

That โ€œtraumatic pastโ€ they whined about never existed, nor does this supposed โ€œsplit personalityโ€ as an aftermath of it. It is all a careful construct on their part to fool you into stepping into their negative aura. If you try to question, theyโ€™ll blame you for being insensitive.

But since youโ€™ve been so emotionally invested in them, you wonโ€™t leave them or give a final warning. Instead, you will end up doubting your sense of emotional understanding. This is exactly what psychopaths want. They want you to doubt your ways and change them in order to align your emotions with their pattern.

Related: Am I Dealing With A Psychopath? 6 Signs Youโ€™re Arguing With A Psychopath

4. They Will Constantly Crave Your Attention.

Attention seeking comes naturally to psychopaths, and again this is one of the major signs you’re dealing with a psychopath. It is characteristic of a psychopath to indulge in attention-seeking pursuits. Youโ€™ll find them trying out numerous methods to shift your focus to themselves. They have no regard for othersโ€™ time, energy, and emotions.

They donโ€™t even care about their own well-being. Theyโ€™ll inflict physical damage on themselves to make a display of their suffering. Hurting the sentiments of others outweighs doing the same to themselves.

Their goal is to gain the central position of your focus, and to make sure that youโ€™re always available for them. They donโ€™t care if youโ€™re emotionally stable or not; their only concern is getting constant uninterrupted attention regardless of your emotional state.

5. They Fail To Acknowledge Your Emotions, Let Alone Feel Them.

As mentioned earlier, psychopaths blame you for not understanding their emotions, but on the flip side, they themselves are indifferent to your mental states. The more you spend time with a psychopath, the more youโ€™ll find them exhibiting this trait. Whether youโ€™re having a bad day or not, turns out to be the least important to them.

They are always obsessed with themselves and the attention they’re getting. In public, they might act just the opposite to conceal away their real self, but people who spend time with them understand how cold and insensitive a psychopath acts in response to othersโ€™ pain.

Being with a psychopath causes most of the trauma, yet they act as if nothing has happened and that we are at fault. But since theyโ€™ve successfully tapped into your emotional intelligence, they adeptly manipulate your overall mental health and get away with all the traumatizing acts.

6. They Consider Themselves Above The Law.

You know you are dealing with a psychopath when you notice this kind of behavior.

When youโ€™re in public with a psychopath, youโ€™ll find them behaving in quite an eccentric and arrogant way. Theyโ€™ll break rules and try to keep themselves indifferent as if nothing happened. Be it at the traffic signal or the supermarket, theyโ€™ll play the boss. It is as if the entire world revolves around them.

If you try to stop them, theyโ€™ll go against everything you say. Even when theyโ€™re caught and put behind the bars, they show no sign of guilt and keep on doing it even after their release.

Related: How To Know You Are Dealing With A Psychopath: 4 Ways Psychopaths Use Pathological Lying To Manipulate You

7. Boredom Haunts Them Too Often

Suppose youโ€™re hanging out with someone and they happen to be a psychopath. You two are having a good time until all of a sudden you find them scrolling through their social media. Youโ€™d wonder what could have possibly bored them, failing to identify any practical reason.

A psychopath gets bored for no reason. It is a part of their infamous mood swings that keep affecting every relationship theyโ€™re into. The more you try to make things interesting, the more youโ€™ll find them sticking to their cell phones. As if theyโ€™re willingly trying to curb all the excitement. They literally suck out all the energy from the atmosphere rendering your efforts futile.

8. They Never Hesitate To Lie.

Psychopaths are chronic liars. It is a part of their everyday life to lie, and they do it very casually. Your mental state doesnโ€™t matter to them. Theyโ€™re least bothered about the consequences of their lies, and they donโ€™t care how youโ€™d feel after theyโ€™re caught. They act as if lying is a common thing.

Psychopaths take things lightly and are only concerned about their own well-being. Donโ€™t expect them to mend their ways and work towards honesty and integrity. They are self-righteous people completely immersed in their twisted ideologies, and this is one of the best to understand that you are dealing with a psychopath.

They Never Hesitate To Lie
Dealing with a psychopath

9. Theyโ€™re Always Unwilling To Take Responsibility.

Psychopaths run away from responsibilities. They hate being responsible for something and frequently look down on those who oppose this mentality. This behavior stems from their prejudice of not being the reason for anything they might have inflicted on others. Also, their antisocial attitude fuels their aversion.

To them, responsibilities are nothing but useless burdens of mankind, and people should be free from all sorts of responsibilities. They never take up nor do they feel responsible even when people accuse them of wrongdoing.

Related: What Are The Signs Of A Psychopath: 10 Signs You Are Dating An Emotional Psychopath

10. Their Promiscuity Outweighs Their Commitment.

How to identify a psychopath, you ask? This. Look for this trait.

If youโ€™re in a relationship with a psychopath, youโ€™ll find them having this particular trait. Since a psychopath fails to establish emotional bonding with their partners, their mind always hovers around in search of multiple mates. They play around with feelings and frequently indulge in adultery and breaking commitments.

They have absolutely no regard for a respectful relationship and is always plagued with the chronic desire for more than one partner. Theyโ€™re never satisfied with a single person and only keep fueling their carnal desires for getting involved with multiple people.

So, these are all the signs you are dealing with a psychopath. If you notice someone close to you exhibiting all or most of these traits, then run for the hills! Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

Want to know more about the signs you are dealing with a psychopath? Check this video out below!

Dealing with a psychopath

Psychopath signs
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10 warning signs of a psychopath
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  1. Anonymous


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