The Cube Personality Test: Discover Your True Self In 90 Seconds


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Japanese Cube Personality Test

The cube personality test is here to help you take a deep dive into your inner self by creating awareness of what is there in your subconscious mind. Try this Japanese personality test now!

There are many great personality tests that enhance the process of self-discovery. A Relational Psychology test is perhaps the most famous in the mainstream demographic when it comes to tests and quizzes.  It is designed to allow the subconscious to reveal the truth about ourselves to our conscious awareness. But in practice, it is a psychodynamic personality test.

To see how this works for yourself, this post brings one such test known as the cube personality test for you to take today.  The test was first published in the best-selling book “Kokology” by Japanese author Tadahiko Nagao. The main focus is the analysis of the deep psyche using theories from Freud and Jung.

The kolology cube personality test was developed by a Japanese psychologist who wanted people to be able to gain quick insight into their lives and personality. It is a quick mental exercise that lasts approximately 90 seconds.

The cube personality test below will give you a good idea about what you feel, what you want, and how your life is in reality. This test targets your subconscious and brings out important information, that you normally don’t think about otherwise. Not a lot of people know this, but humans spend the most time in their subconscious, and that is why it is important to know what it is trying to tell us. 

Related: What Is Your True Personality? Take This 5-Question Test To Find Out 

For example, you may describe something in blue color because it gives you a feeling of calmness. However, another person may describe the very same thing in different color that also gives him or her a sense of calmness. Though both people picture the thing differently, the interpretations of their answers are the same โ€“ the color, represents calmness to them.

cube personality test
Kokology Cube Personality Test: The Cube Test Reveals Your Personality

How Does The Cube Personality Test Work?

Follow along with this exercise keeping in mind that it is important to try to concentrate on how you feel about what you are describing and not just on how it looks. This cube personality test will help in providing clarity to you, on a mental level.

1. Think of an open field or desert in the cube test

Picture a desert stretching out as far as your eyes can see.
How big is this dessert? What is it filled with? What are the surroundings like?

2. Think of cube

Within this desert imagine a cube personality test.
Describe the cube. What does it look like? Color of cube? How large is the cube? What’s it made of? And where in the desert is the cube? No right answers and no wrong answers.
You can’t lose the game! Feel free to take a moment before you continue.

3. Think of a ladder in the cube test

So there you are in the desert with your cube. Along with the cube, you notice a ladder.
Now, describe the ladder. How big is it? Where is it in relation to the cube? What is it made out of?
Again, take a moment to think before you continue. Details are important.

4. Think of a horse in the cube test

Now within this desert that contains a ladder and a cube is now a horse. Imagine even if it’s weird.
It may very well be a horse with no name.
Now, describe the horse. Where is the horse? What is the color of the horse? What’s it doing? Is it going anywhere or staying put?

5. Think of flowers

We’re almost done. Now, you see flowers in the desert with a cube, ladder, and horse.
Describe the flowers. How many are there? What do they look like? Where are they in relation to the other objects?

6. Think of a storm
There’s a storm.
Last task: What’s the storm like? Is it near? Far? What kind of storm is it? Does it impact any of the other objects in the desert?

Having fun? Now we are going to interpret your vision in 5 minutes based on what each symbol in the horse ladder cube personality test represent.

Related: Fun Optical Illusion Personality Test: What Your Perception Reveals About You 

Answers: The Cube Personality Test Color Meanings

Kokology Cube Personality Test: Japanese Personality Test Reveals Your Inner Self

1. Desert: Represents your mind

While dessert or open field in the cube personality test represents your mind, its size tells your knowledge of the world and how vast your personality is. The condition of the field tells what your personality looks like at first glance.

  • If you find the dessert dry or dead then you are feeling pessimistic.
  • Grassy and healthy? You are feeling optimistic.
  • Well-trimmed, then you are analytical and cautious.

2. Cube: Represents How You Perceive Yourself

The cube in cube personality test represents yourself. The size of the cube is your ego. How you think about the cube reflects how you think about yourself. For example, a large cube indicates youโ€™re pretty sure of yourself and feel as if you are larger than life. People who see an excessively tiny cube, feel that they are smaller than life. 

The texture of the cube (e.g. smooth, rough, bumpy, etc.) represents your nature. If you imagine a smooth cube – You are a gentle person and always try make others feel comfortable. Rough? You’re honest, straightforward, and may hurt others you’re talking to. Bumpy? You’ve the tendency to criticize others to make them feel inferior to you.

The color of cube –

Red means you’re physically active
Yellow indicates you are sociable
Blue – you’re intelligent
Violet – you’re intelligent, perfectionist, mysterious
Grey -you’re self-confident and independent
Black – You have a strong sense of individuality and independence
White – You are kind, independent, and self-reliant.

The cube’s materials represent how open you are – transparent cubes indicate you let people see through you, people can read your mind easily. Opaque cubes are more protective of their minds. Glowing? Youโ€™re a positive person. Made of granite? Youโ€™re likely protective and resilient.

A cube made out of water or ice is a sign that you let external elements influence you completely. A hollow cube means that you are primarily concerned with your outside appearance, with far less care for what’s going on within. 

The distance between you and the cube reflects your understanding of yourself. If the cube is far away, then it means that you do not feel close to your inner self. The ratio of the cube to the desert is how you think about yourself in this world. The bigger the ratio, the grander you think of yourself and what youโ€™re meant for.  A small ratio means that you recognize that you are just one part of this world and there are many other things out there beside you.  a large ratio means you thrive on being the center of attention.

Read What Is Your Dominant Psychological Trait?- Psychology Test 

3. Ladder: Represents The Nature Of Your Friendships

The ladder in the cube personality test represents your friends as well as goals. If the ladder is long then your goals are more far-fetched and difficult to attain. A short ladder indicates realistic and simple goals.

If the ladder is leaning against the cube, then it means that your friends depend on you. If the ladder is supporting the cube, that means you depend on your friends. The distance between the ladder and the cube indicates if you feel close to your friends or not. A strong ladder made of stone indicates you have a stronger bond with friends and folks. A weak ladder represents a weak bond with people around you.

Again, how you feel about the ladder reflects how you feel about your friends (e.g.. what you feel about the color of the ladder and the material it is made of). By now you should be able to draw your own conclusions.

Related: What You See First Can Reveal What Youโ€™re Looking For In Life 

4. The Horse: Represents Your Significant Other

The horse in the cube personality test represents your lover or ideal lover.
What is the horse doing? If horse is

  • Playing – Your lover or ideal partner doesn’t take life to seriously.
  • Running – Your ideal partner will respect your space and alone time.
  • Sleeping or Grazing – Your ideal partner is calm and fully committed to you.

The color of horse is

Brown – You prefer comfort and reliability in relationship. Otherwise, you don’t have a specific set of expectations for your partner.
Black horse – Your idea partner is dominant, seductive, and sophisticated.
White horse – You value loyalty and trust more than anything else in a relationship.

If you have imagined some other horse color other than three mentioned above then it means you value originality and independence in a partner. You want to be with someone who fascinates and challenges you.

The distance between the horse and the cube

Represents the closeness you have with your lover.
If the horse is facing the cube it shows you want to be the focus of attention in the relationship.
If your horse is closer to your ladder it might suggest you want a lover who supports your goals (you gold digger you).
If the horse is tied up, then it shows the need to be controlling in a relationship.
If the horse has a saddle then you feel secure with them. If the horse is free and not saddled, it means you view your lover as uncontrollable/unpredictable or someone who is very independent.

5. Storm: Represents Your Current Life Conditions

The storm in the cube personality test represents the obstacles or problems and stress in your life. The stronger the storm and the closer to the cube, the higher your stress level! If you imagined a storm raging right above your cube, it might be a good idea to work on reducing stress in your daily life.

  • If the storm is very intense then your problems are causing havoc in your life.
  • If they encompass the entire desert then it means you might have some ongoing issues, which you think will take a while to resolve.
  • If your storm is light then it means your problems donโ€™t really upset the balance of your world.
  • If it is outside the room it means you see your problems at a distance and they can easily be controlled.

6. Flowers: Represents Your Family and Friends

The flower represents kids, family, and friends.  Some believe the number of flowers you see is either the number of children you will have or the number of children you want.

Just a few flowers mean – You are close with your family and have a small, tight-knit group of friends, and prefer a single child. Too many flowers mean you are a social butterfly with innumerable friends and would love to have more than two kids.

The closer the flower is to the cube, the closer you feel to your children or the thought of having children. If your flower is close to the ladder then a goal in life might be to have children. Different colors also represent a variety in children (you want boys/girls of varying ages). The color and vitality of the flowers can speak to their health and presumed prosperity.

The trick in this cube personality test is that when asked to describe a blank, abstract entity โ€“ a cube โ€“ your imagination will tend to project its own identity onto it.  There might be many reasons: people seem to project themselves onto abstract objects (the cube), and their affections onto animals (the horse).
Our nurturing of flowers bears some resemblance to that of children, a storm is a signal of environmental danger that taps into our sense of unease, and a ladder is something we find supporting.

Although this cube personality test is not backed by any scientific article, it incredibly reveals a person’s inner thoughts. This game is an amazing tool to discuss a discuss a strangerโ€™s character, friends, partner, children, risks, dreams and aspirations. This game has taken various forms for thousands of years.

Take the test results as a bit of fun and not an alternative to a real personality test conducted by a professional psychologist. Cube personality test can be a cool arty trick? Isn’t it? You will get to know your friends or spouse easier.

Meaning of different colors in the Japanese Cube personality test

You must have imagined the horse, ladder, flowers in different colors. So, it’s worth looking into the meaning of colors deeper. Here is a general list of color meanings for you:

meaning of different colors in cube personality test
This Cube Test Reveals Your Personality

Black: Black is the color of authority, elegance, sophistication, and seduction. Black can also imply darkness.

White: White symbolizes innocence and purity, which is why the wedding dress is white. Doctors wear a white coat to imply sterility and cleanliness.

Red: The color of dominance, power, and sexual energy, the color red attracts attention. It is also the color of love.

Blue: One of the most popular colors, blue represents knowledge, authority, and loyalty. Blue causes the body to produce calming chemicals so it is often used in bedrooms. The color blue shows loyalty.

Green: Green represents compassion, prosperity, money, and vitality. It is a relaxing color. Many TV studios have a โ€œgreen roomโ€ for people to sit in to relax before they go on the air.

Yellow: Yellow is another attention getter. While it is considered an optimistic color, symbolizing enthusiasm and playfulness, the color yellow is very difficult for the human eye to take in and can be overpowering.

Purple: Purple is the color of royalty. It represents luxury, wealth, and sophistication. It is also feminine and romantic and rarely found in nature.

Brown: Old reliable brown. Brown shows stability. It is the color of earth and reliability.

Related: 10 Mind-Bending Optical Illusions That Will Help Reveal Secrets About Your Personality 

So, who are you? Did you get a clear idea about your personality? What is your outlook towards family, friends, and life? Did you enjoy this cube personality test to get to know yourself and those around you a bit better?

Let us know in comments section below. Please share this Japanese personality test with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful.

Huprich, S. K. (2009). Psychodynamic therapy: Conceptual and empirical foundations. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.
Luborsky, L., & Barrett, M. S. (2006). The history and empirical status of key psychoanalytic concepts. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 2, 1โ€“19.
Wachtel, P. L. (1997). Psychoanalysis, behavior therapy, and the relational world. Washington, DC: APA Books.

5 Minute Cube Personality Test Will Reveal Your Innermost Thoughts
The Horse Ladder Cube Personality Test: Cube Test Reveals Your Personality
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Imagine A Cube Personality Test: The Cube Test Reveals Your Personality
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Japanese Personality Test Reveals Your Personality
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Japanese Cube Personality Test Discover True Self
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  1. Laura Avatar

    My desert was endless. Open and flat where my cube sat, but in the distance there were large dunes that I couldnโ€™t see past. My cube was very small, maybe only an inch tall. It was black, with a gloss finish, and even though I didnโ€™t touch it I could tell it was very heavy. In the beginning, I was standing close to it, looking down with it sitting right in front of my feet. When the ladder was added, it was maybe 100 feet away from the cube. The ladder was one of those that you lean against the side of something, but it was standing by itself with no support, leading into the clear blue sky with no clouds. If I were to climb on it, the parts of the ladder I couldnโ€™t see would appear as I continued climbing. I couldnโ€™t picture the horse at all until the storm was added. When the storm came, it was dark, rolling clouds with lightning, thunder, and rain. It was standing alone far in the distance, not moving, but I could feel the wind pick up the sand near me and start swirling it around. The horse appeared on a distant sand dune, and was galloping fast into the storm, where it would disappear, and then reappear in the same spot where it originally showed up. This was on a continuous loop. The flowers first appeared in abundance, spread across the ground with thick foliage, but far away from any of the other items. They were small, and white, with mostly the leaves taking up space. As I thought about it more, the ground began to dry up and crack where they were, and the flowers shriveled and dried up. This was also on a continuous loop, where they would rehydrate, and grow in abundance, but then die and start over. Through the whole thought process, every time another item appeared, I would be further and further away from my cube and everything that was happening. In the end I was standing on the opposite side of the valley. It felt like everything was an option, rather than it all being parts of my own self. Iโ€™m hoping this is still a recent discussion so I could have some feedback on it.

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