8 Mental Abuse Tactics To Watch Out For


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Mental Abuse Tactics To Watch Out For

Do you you feel manipulated into doing or saying something, out of character, endure regular insults and rejection? Or do feel exploited by your near ones? You might be a victim of emotional abuse. Watch out for these 8 types of mental abuse or narcissistic tactics.

Abuse is not just physical. There are many other forms of abuse, such as sexual, financial, emotional, mental, and verbal. While some of the other forms of abuse are obvious, mental abuse can be difficult to spot.

It could start simply with a casual comment about anything: the design of furniture, opinion about a movie, or the car needing maintenance.

The remark is taken out of context by the abuser to mean that they are disapproved by the victim in some way. The victim tries to explain that it wasnโ€™t his/her intention, but they are off on a tirade, which ends in the victim feeling helpless as if he/she is losing his/her mind.

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An abuse can come dressed in any way. Here are a few of the common abuse tactics, that are widely used. All you have to do is, Memorize these maneuvers, remain silent when they are being used, and end the conversation as soon as possible. This will keep you from being a victim of mental abuse.

8 Types of Mental Abuse To Watch Out For

1. Rage

This is an intense, furious anger that comes out of nowhere, usually over nothing. It startles and shocks the victim into compliance or silence.

2. Gaslighting

8 Types of Mental Abuse: Alarming Narcissistic Tactics

Mental abusers lie about the past, making their victims doubt her memory, perception, and sanity. They claim and give evidence of her past wrong behavior further causing doubt. She might even begin to question what she said a minute ago.

3. The Stare 

This is an intense stare with no feeling behind it.  It is designed to scare a victim into submission and is frequently mixed with the silent treatment.

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4. Silent Treatment

8 Types of Mental Abuse: Alarming Narcissistic Tactics
Signs of Mental Abuse And Psychological Abuse

Some abusers punish by ignoring. Then they let their victim โ€œoff the hookโ€ by demanding an apology even though he/she isnโ€™t to blame. This is to modify his/her behavior. They also have a history of cutting others out of their life permanently over small things.

5. Projection

They dump their issues onto their victim as if she were the one doing it. For instance, narcissistic mental abusers may accuse their spouse of lying when they have lied. Or they make her feel guilty when he is really guilty. This creates confusion.

6. Twisting

When abusers are confronted, they will twist it around to blame their victims for their actions. They will not accept responsibility for their behavior and insist that their victim apologize to them.

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7. Manipulation

8 Forms of Mental Abuse

A favorite manipulation tactic is for the narcissist to make their victim fear the worst, such as abandonment, infidelity, or rejection. Then they refute it and ask her for something she normally would reply with โ€œNo.โ€ This is a control tactic to get him/her to agree to do something he/she wouldnโ€™t.

8. Victim Card

When all else fails, the narcissist resorts to playing the victim card. This is designed to gain sympathy and further control behavior.

These were eight types of mental abuse tactics that narcissists or toxic people use to gain control over someone, especially in relationships. Look out for them!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to stop blaming yourself for emotional abuse?

It is common for victims of emotional abuse victims to blame themselves from time to time. Forgive yourself as it isn’t your fault but the abusers.

How do I focus on myself after narcissistic abuse?

The first thing you need to do after narcissistic abuse is to forgive yourself. Then try to reflect and get in touch with your real feelings and focus on what’s best for you.

How to take care of yourself after abuse?

One of the ways to protect yourself from emotional mental abuse is to create โ€œemotional distanceโ€ from the person who psychologically or emotionally abusing you.

How to defend yourself from mental abuse?

Unlike physical abuse there are no physical signs of violence or trauma, so mental and emotional abuse can be difficult to explain. One thing you can do is distance yourself to be safe and protected.

Eight Mental Abuse Tactics to watch out for
Eight Mental Abuse Tactics to watch out for
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  1. Sally Avatar

    Iโ€™ve been out of the relationship for two years. I really believe he was out to destroy me and I almost did financially emotionally and physically destroyed my property stole from meLied to me cheated on me over and over. Just went on for six years for three of those years I tried to get him out I couldnโ€™t get him out he got worse finally I had to get him evicted Even after that I gave him 4 chances to come get his stuff he never did so I sold it gave it away just anything to get it out of here. The stress was every day all day on the days that he would come home that is. I used to be a happy person and giving person now I donโ€™t know who I am Iโ€™m unhappy I financially got back on my feet but thatโ€™s not what makes me happy I trust no one I have no one to only thing that keeps me going is my mother if I was to go before her it would kill her And I canโ€™t they are do that to her I love her so much. Iโ€™m not a drinker but now I sit here past few nights drinking myself to pass out I just donโ€™t give a shit anymore can one person do so much evil and it didnโ€™t involve them in his mind itโ€™s all my fault and I guess it was because I allowed him to do it I donโ€™t know how to dig myself out of this hole Iโ€™ve dug myself in Iโ€™m tired of being miserable and unhappy I have no one to talk to because Iโ€™m so shamed that I let it happen I never knew there was so much evil in this world and now I see it everywhere I trust and cannot trust anyone I just wanna be left alone donโ€™t think you can help me but remember PEOPLE ARE Evil and they like it!!!

    1. Jill Button Avatar
      Jill Button

      Sally, I feel your pain, I really do because I lived through the same thing for 5 years and it’s taken me many years to begin to heal. Before I met Shawn, I was strong, confident and independent. I had a sense of humor and laughed all the time. I was told I lit up a room when I walked in. By the end of the relationship (and I had to let us both get evicted because I couldn’t get the freeloading bastard to move out of my house), I didn’t know who I was either. I was left depressed and most definitely suffered from PTSD. I don’t know which was worse the years that followed the break up or my years with him. BUT, the good news is that I promise you it does get better. You will learn that there are good people in the world again. I had to start literally caring for myself and treating myself the way I wanted to be treated. It sounds silly but I would buy myself flowers once a week, I took baths with candles and played some frequency music for healing (If you have never heard of sound healing, go to youtube and type in frequencies to heal the heart and you will see a list of music come up. The music is more effective if you use headphones, but obviously not in the tub. I started finding reprogramming youtube videos that I listened to as I fell asleep and let them play as I slept (many have 7 hours of music and affirmations). These work by going deep into your subconscious and helped me to start loving me again. Please don’t be ashamed, there are so many women out there like us that have been abused by these men (and vice versa, many men who were the victims of narcissistic women). Know that these people chose strong women, they don’t go after those weak and feeble, what kind of a challenge would that be?

      Anyway, my heart goes out to you hun. Try to find a support group where you can find those that have recovered. I tried some groups on FB but found many of them were stuck in relationships and just kept complaining of the abuse but unwilling to do anything about it. There are groups out there that can help and if you happen to have insurance that covers therapy, find a good counsellor that specializes in narcissistic abuse, it helps having someone to talk to and who can make suggestions about how to heal.

      I hope this helps, or just knowing that there are those of us who have been through it and survived and are now thriving…. there is hope hun!

      Love & Light,


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