The Mirror Effect of an Empath and Why Some People Instantly Dislike You


The Mirror Effect of an Empath

The mirror effect of an empath is one of the most interesting things that exist in the human world. What is it really, and why does it make people feel uncomfortable around an empath, and sometimes even strongly dislike them?

We have all experienced it, being around someone who has either taken an instant dislike to us, or a bizarre resentment suddenly appears in those we have known for some time.

We may have no idea why the other feels this way, as we certainly have not given them a reason to have such repugnance towards us. No matter whether they try to hide their feelings or not, we can still sense their loathing and it does not feel good!

Someone taking a dislike to another is a completely normal and acceptable part of life with everyone. We are all different and there will always be some people we do not get along with, whether Sensitive or not. For example, the first impression the Empath has when we first meet someone is always spot on, as to whether we could like or trust that person.

This is due to having a strong sense of intuition and the ability to unconsciously read others.

However, what can be baffling to the Empath is why some people act in such an animistic way towards us when we know ourselves to be likable and trustworthy people. Often we are not given a reason when someone suddenly changes towards us, becoming cold and uncaring almost overnight. It can just leave us scratching our heads.

mirror effect empath
The Mirror Effect of an empath

3 Reasons Why People Instantly Dislike or Like an Empath

Through observations and contemplations I have come to discover there are three main reasons why people either cool off or take an instant dislike towards the Empath and here they are:

  • We act as a mirror reflecting back their truth.
  • Our vibration is too fast.
  • Our stillness is wrongly interpreted.

Related: 5 Signs You’re An Intuitive Empath And What To Do About It

1. The Mirror Reflecting Back.

One of the main reasons others can have an aversion to the Empath is because we reflect back to them the truth of who they are. It is so common for people to act in an inauthentic way to hide who they truly are, that many do not question their own motives or try and change their behavior. The reason most people hide a side of themselves is because they don’t like certain aspects of their personality.

It may be that they are insecure, they may feel deep shame about themselves, or they may hide a trait of their personality because they do not believe it will be liked or accepted by others. On the darker side of the spectrum, some may hide aspects of their personality in order to manipulate others. However, for the majority of people who put on an act, they do so simply to fit in.

The fear of being judged or disliked, for what they don’t like about themselves, makes some wear a mask when out in public. Even those of a Sensitive nature will put on a face when out in the world (partly because we know we would look like complete fruitcakes if we showed how we really felt inside). There are some, however, who never remove their mask and go through life with a false identity.

When one comes face to face with an Empath there is no hiding from these concealed traits; the mask comes off and they are displayed in full view. The traits one has worked so hard to hide or deny are now being waved in your face and can cause a torrent of ill feelings to surface, which will often be directed towards the Empath.

Because being with an Empath can bring up intense feelings in others, it can be the root cause of a strong loathing. However, what those who encounter this won’t realize is that the intense dislike they have towards the Empath is simply a reflection of their hidden side. The truth of who they are and aspects of their personality, they hide because they don’t want to admit to having, are revealed. Anything hidden becomes seen within the ‘Mirror of the Empath’.

The Mirror Effect

Because an Empath picks up on other people’s emotions, hidden behaviors, and true personality traits, we can take them on and thus project them back out to their rightful owner. We can wear other people’s truth like the mask they hide behind; even if we are consciously unaware that we are doing it. In the days before we become aware that we are an Empath, we may mistake these insecurities as our own and have no idea that what we feel, we can then project and reflect back.

If someone has traits that they particularly don’t like about themselves, they are reminded of them when in an Empath’s presence. This is the reason an instant dislike for the Empath is formed or why resentment can build towards them over time. Anything hidden within such as insecurity suppressed shame, guilt or anger will only get bigger the longer it is left buried.

Because we can make others feel their own truth, a sudden dislike for us may develop as the suppressed feeling, within the other, builds. Jealousy, anger, hatred, feeling unworthy, low self-esteem, and self-grandeur are just some examples of what we might reflect back to others.

If this has been your experience, where someone suddenly starts being off with you, it could very well be that you are reflecting back to them the truth they deny. Or there could be another reason…

Related: How Can An Empath Stay Protected From Trauma Trigger People?

2. Your Vibration is Too Fast…

Just like an Empath’s need not to be around people who spew negativity, there are some people who cannot stand to be around those who vibrate a clean and shiny energy. When you start to work on yourself and make any positive changes to your mind, body, or spirit you become cleaner and purer and this can be cause for rejection from those who are addicted to low-level vibrations.

I have noticed that when I have been in an emotionally low place, in the past, there are some who seem to prefer me that way. Yet when I made big changes to myself and my life and put myself in a high vibrating space, I could tell that some friends didn’t like it. It felt like they wanted to bring me back down. They did this in numerous ways, such as snide comments, ridiculing my discoveries, or new ways of being. The sad thing is, they were often unaware they were doing it.

Vibrating in a higher space can make us naturally repel even those we love. People sense change, whether it is visually apparent or not, and they can feel when another has changed or stepped up their frequency. Not everyone is ready to raise their vibration. Some may still have lessons to learn at the level they are at and are not ready to move forward with us.

Because they are not ready to move onwards and upwards they may try to draw us back down. Also, if we don’t feel like a fit to them anymore, it may be the cause of hostility towards us and another reason why they are repelled.

3. Your Stillness is Wrongly Interpreted.

To those of an insecure nature, our quiet, and sometimes distant, ways are often seen as a form of disrespect or a snub. Because we may, at times, appear aloof, some may class this as snobby or superior behavior. Wrongly assuming we believe we are in some way above them.

Normally, when an Empath acts in an aloof or distant way, it is because they are on overload. Having taken on too much stimuli from their surroundings and in serious need of recharging, the Empath wants nothing more than to be invisible to others.

And when heading towards a fatigue meltdown, the last thing an Empath can deal with is someone offloading their troubles, like so many like to do. Even polite conversation is too much. This is often interpreted as a rejection or an insult.

Because others don’t feel what an Empath feels, it is difficult for them to understand why they have to withdraw the way they do.

Sadly, the more insecure someone is, the more they are offended by your quiet ways. If they see you as blowing hot and cold, they may consider this as disrespect and reject you as a way to hurt you.

Related: 10 Strange Behaviors Of An Authentic Empath

So, if someone develops an aversion towards you, for no good reason, remember not to take it personally. It is just the Mirror of the Empath at work.

Hope this helps on your Empath journey.
Until next time…

Written by Diane Katherine
This article was originally published on Empaths Empowered/ Just BE
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  1. Andrea Krahn Avatar
    Andrea Krahn

    This explains so much regarding the mysteries and puzzle pieces that did not make sense to me in many of my interpersonal relationships from high school and onward. I always knew there was more to it than just “This person doesn’t like me.” When getting this vibe from others it usually felt like jealousy. That made no sense though because I am not grandiose enough to even begin to believe that many people in the world are jealous of me. Well, maybe when I was 22. LOL! jk 20 years later it still happens and is actually a stronger feeling. What they are feeling is self consciousness. Being seen. Vulnerable. Jealousy also causes an uncomfortable self consciousness. I was not misreading the feelings I absorbed from them but I was displacing the root cause of that feeling. Wondering “Why the jealousy? Why aren’t you jealous of so-and-so? She’s got a lot more to be jealous of than me” gave me a paranoid, questioning vibe. My defense would be to become goofy, try to disarm with humor, act a little dumb and ditzy, share personal anecdotes of embarrassing moments, hide my knowledge and downplay anything that might be threatening, all trying to make the person more comfortable. This often worked but was exhausting. While doing this my intuition and absorption of energy is still on auto-pilot in the background like an involuntary organ, always doing its thing, like lungs pulling in air in no need of permission from me. I was/am often told “You’re nothing like you seem. You seem so serious and intense. I thought you didn’t like me. You’re really funny and quirky and down to earth.” Hmmmmmm. Or am I?

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