18 Things That Any Anxious Overthinker Will Understand


18 Things That Any Overthinker Will Understand

Are you an anxious overthinker

It seems today there are a million things you can worry about. While technology continues to advance, in social media, it adds a bit of confusion, among relationships with people. There is a new form of unkindness, with every unfollow or not liking a picture. It’s passive-aggressive. Where there was once a time, people could argue face to face, you don’t need to anymore.

But for the anxious overthinker, social media and a million outlets, just leave us wondering, confused and worried. If there is something to overthink we’ll analyze it to the core like it’s a research subject.

But inside the mind of an anxious overthinker is a dark and scary place to be. It’s made-up of negative scenarios and feels like we are a prisoner inside our own minds, with no way of escaping.

We just want to do things right and not hurt anyone or hurt ourselves along the way. But sometimes, the hardest thing about being an over-thinker, with anxiety, is just going with the flow of things, because we like understanding things, we like things being made simple. But it’s never that easy.

Things Anxious Overthinker Understand

1. We read between the lines of every text.

Do we wonder how to respond? What is really being said? When to answer? What punctuation and emoji are to use? We don’t want to seem too excited. We don’t want to seem like a bitch. And while others, may think nothing of a text, that took us 15 minutes to write, we’re shaking in our boots wondering what the other person is thinking.

2. And reread everything to see if we missed something.

We reread conversations, more than once. We rethink everything, with different made-up scenarios. We worry because we care too much.

Anxious Overthinker
Anxious Overthinker

3. We automatically assume someone is mad at us.

If they don’t answer, there has got to be a reason. We replay everything of what we could have said, or done wrong and we want only to make it right.

4. We can pick up on body language and understand what people aren’t saying.

We watch everyone and everything. While we might be quite, we are quietly noticing everything, going on around us.

5. We follow our gut when it comes to everything.

At the end of the day, we can analyze things to the core. We can get advice, but the best advice, will always come from ourselves and it is that which we follow.

6. We create problems in your mind.

It’s almost like a puzzle, with a million pieces, that we complete, only to ruin and reconstruct again, “for fun.” But there is nothing fun about creating problems, that aren’t actually there.
Is your overthinking negatively affecting your relationship? Read Ways Over-thinking Might Be Damaging Our Relationships

7. But can solve anyone else’s problem.

We tend to be the first one, people turn to for advice. If only we took our own. Our friends constantly remind us to not worry or “you are overthinking this.” But we do.

8. Dating can be the best worst thing that can happen to us.

Because we tend to ruin things before they can even begin. The worst part is that we are always anticipating that.

Are you in a relationship with someone with anxiety? Read This Is How You Love Someone With Anxiety 

9. Because we analyze every detail, word, and gesture.

Guys are rather simple and straightforward. There isn’t always a subtone to things, but we think there is.

10. We’ll always wonder, if we’ve done something wrong and how to make it better.

Even if everything is perfectly fine, we always nitpick and obsess about every situation, unless we find something negative. Even if it’s not there.

11. In reality, we just care a little too much.

We just care. A lot. Too much.

12. We’re probably perfectionists.

Who just want to do things right.

13. Our body may want to sleep.

Because everyone needs sleep to function.

14. But our mind never does.

To-do lists go off in our minds of all the things we need to get done. People we might have pissed off. Mistakes we might have made years ago. Then eventually we fall asleep.

15. Even in our sleep, our dreams are things we worry about.

But there is no escaping the mind of an over-thinker.

16. We hope things will go as planned.

Because an anxious over-thinker just wants to avoid any kind of catastrophes and unforeseen problems.

Are you trying to manage your worrying about the future? Read 5 Powerful Ways To Stop Worrying and Start Controlling Your Life

17. Anticipating the worst-case scenario in everything.

But we know things never go as planned, so we have a backup plan in the event that it does.

18. Every over-thinker has simplistic hopes.

An anxious overthinker’s best gifts are texts answered quickly. A relationship that doesn’t leave us confused. And friends that accept us, and reassure our worries.

An anxious overthinker goes through a lot mentally, on a daily basis, and all they want from the people close to them is a little bit of understanding, patience, and love.
If they get that in abundance, they will be the best kind of people you will ever meet.

Written by Kirsten Corley.
For more of Kirsten’s work, follow her Facebook fan page.

18 Things You Only Understand, If You Are an Anxious OverThinker
18 Things That Any Overthinker Will Understand

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  1. Paul In-Ca Avatar
    Paul In-Ca

    As you can tell by my profile name, I’m a guy, and what’s more I’m a straight guy, and I’m finding more and more when
    it comes to matters of cognizance and/or personality types/disorders, it would probably be best in all of these wonderful muses and scholarly pages, to eliminate gender reference, because we are souls, and souls don’t have a gender, it is our mind, will, and emotions that make up our soul, so at least give it some thought and consideration, because imagine how many more can be enlightened, helped, learn to heal, etc., when male or female we receive the same unbiased love, light, and life. Jus my .02

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