15 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Wayne Dyer


15 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Wayne Dyer

Some of the life changing lessons from Wayne Dyer can truly help in turning people’s lives around, and also for the better.

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, you were one of the most beautiful, most humble and most authentic people that ever walked on this Earth. And I learned so much from you. You taught me how to be humble, how to live in love and truth, and how to always honor who I truly am underneath it all. You taught me how to better than I used to be and I will always be thankful for this.

Some of the most life-changing, powerful and greatest lessons I have learned so far came from this great man, Wayne Dyer and today I would like to share 15 of these lessons with you.

Here Are 15 Life Changing Lessons From Wayne Dyer

1. Cooperation is better than competition, anyday.

Instead of constantly engaging in competition with everyone, focus on improving yourself. Be your own person and be so busy refining yourself that you never have to compete or compare yourself with others. Try to fight the thought that everything is about winning and losing, and get rid of this sense of separation.

“If youโ€™re always in a hurry, always trying to get ahead of the other guy, or someone elseโ€™s performance is what motivates you, then that person is in control of you.” – Wayne Dyer

2. Love means never trying to change them. 

When you choose to love somebody, you love them for who they actually are; not who you want them to be. If you try to change someone or try to mold them like you, then it’s not love- it’s control. And, love doesn’t mean that you should control your partner.

Accept them for who they are; their authentic and real selves.

โ€œLove is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you.โ€ – Wayne Dyer

Do you accept your partner as they are? Read Unconditional Love: Itโ€™s About Accepting Your Partner The Way They Are never trying to change them

3. Ignorance is not bliss.

Contrary to what a lot of people believe, ignorance is not bliss. Allow yourself to expand your mind a little more day by day, give up labels and you will be happier. If you never try out new things, how will you experience life in it’s fullest?

Expand your mind so that you can taste and experience everything that life has to offer. Ignorance will only keep you stuck in the same loop over and over again. Remember that change is the only constant.

โ€œThe highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you donโ€™t know anything about.โ€ – Wayne Dyer

4. Stop seeing yourself as a victim. 

Take responsibility for your own thoughts, your own feelings, and actions and by doing so you will no longer give your power away to forces outside yourself. If something negative comes your way, pause for a bit and instead of reacting focus on RESPONDING.

You will no longer be a victim but rather a person who is aware of his/her inner strength and power. And nothing can be more powerful than that.

โ€œHow people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.โ€ – Wayne Dyer

Do you suffer from a victim complex? Read The Victim Identity: 4 Ways To Recover

5. Enjoy your solitude. 

As long as you are comfortable in your own skin, you will never have to rely on someone else for your happiness and contentment. If you are comfortable with being alone and by yourself, that means you are strong enough to survive on your own.

People who know how to be alone always end up with the best relationships.

โ€œYou cannot be lonely if you like the person youโ€™re alone with.โ€ – Wayne Dyer

6. Failure makes you better and stronger. 

Failures are the stepping stones to success, and without failing a few times, you will never be able to appreciate success. Never let failure bog you down or make you feel inadequate. All the greatest personalities of history have experienced failures in their lives.

No matter how many doors will close on your face, you will not give up and you will allow rejection to make you stronger and better but not bitter.

โ€œBe grateful to all those people who told you no. Itโ€™s because of them that you managed to do it all yourself.โ€ – Wayne Dyer

7. Self-worth can never be determined by others. 

If you are constantly looking for validation and appreciation from other people, then you will never be truly happy. You do not need to please anyone and everyone around you, because they should not have the power to decide your worth.

Be confident enough to realize the fact, that you are good enough and you don’t need anybody else’s validation to feel better about yourself. 

โ€œSelf-worth cannot be verified by others. You are worthy because you say it is so. If you depend on others for your value it is other-worth.โ€ – Wayne Dyer

Dealing with self-worth issues? Read Rejection: Why You Must Not Let Others Behavior Affect Your Self Worth

8. You always attract what you need, not what you want. 

Life always gives you the things you need the most, not what you want. Human beings have endless desires, but fate will decide what you should or shouldn’t have. 

If you purify your mind and your heart, you will attract scores of amazing and valuable things in your life. On the other hand, if you are constantly being negative about everything, negativity is what you will get.

โ€If youโ€™re obsessed with defeating the other guy and winning at all costs, then youโ€™re guaranteed to attract the vibrational equivalent of this thinking into your life- even if you do yoga and stand on your head chanting mantras every day.โ€ – Wayne Dyer

9. You can do anything, you can achieve anything. 

There are no limits to what you can achieve when you set your mind and heart to it. You are going to encounter many naysayers in your lifetime, and it will bode you well to just ignore their negativity.

As long as you are confident about your abilities, nothing can stop you from breaking the glass ceiling. 

โ€œWhen you argue for your limitations, all you get are your limitations.โ€ ~ Wayne Dyer

10. Focus on positivity.

If you repeatedly focus on negativity, you will only feel negative and attract negative things in your life. But if you focus on positivity, you will notice that your life has a lot of positivity. It is always about you and what you are bringing into your life.

โ€œLoving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world.โ€- Wayne Dyer

11. Stressing over everything is pointless. 

Believe it or not, there is an invisible force who created the whole world, the whole Universe and this force become available to us the moment we stop trying to do it all by ourselves, the moment we decide to allow events to take their natural course and just go with the FLOW.

โ€œGood morning, this is God. I will be handling all of your problems today. I will not need your help. So have a miraculous day.โ€ – Wayne Dyer

Life-Changing Lessons By Wayne Dyer

12. Everything you need is already inside you.

All those times when you have felt down and depressed and have constantly put yourself down, remember that you have everything you need, inside of you. You are a strong, intelligent and capable human being, and there is nothing that you cannot do.

Have faith in yourself and your capabilities, and just see how high you soar.

โ€œYou have everything you need for complete peace and total happiness right now.โ€ – Wayne Dyer

13. Personal growth is an unending process. 

Personal growth doesnโ€™t end when you finish school. You are constantly growing and getting better. The moment you stop growing, that is the moment when you stop living. Personal growth is an unending process, and the more you grow, you more you learn.

Life will always end up teaching you something valuable. So keep yourself open to that, and enrich your life as much as you can.

Individuals who use self-labels are stating, โ€œIโ€™m a finished product in this area, and Iโ€™m never going to be any different.โ€ If youโ€™re a finished product all tied up and put away, youโ€™ve stopped growing. – Wayne Dyer

14. There is no harm in expecting miracles.

Even though most people do not believe in miracles, the truth is they do happen. No matter how practical you are, never stop believing in miracles. Life is too short to just go through the motions, and be realistic all the time.

โ€œOnce you believe in yourself and see your soul as divine and precious, youโ€™ll automatically be converted to a being who can create miracles.โ€ – Wayne Dyer

15. Listen to your heart. 

The heart is a powerful organ, which can help you show the right path in life. If you want to be happy and successful, then always listen to your heart. Whatever you do, do it with love, and you will see for yourself that your heart has all the answers you were looking for.

โ€œDoing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life.โ€ – Wayne Dyer

Who are the people that inspire you the most and what are some of the lessons you have learned from them? I really want to know what are your thoughts on this. You can share your insights by joining the conversation in the comment section below.

If you want to know more life-changing lessons from Wayne Dyer, then check out this video below:

From Purposefairy.com

15 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Wayne Dyer
15 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Wayne Dyer

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