11 Weird Things Your Anxiety Makes You Do


Weird Things Your Anxiety Makes You Do

Are you someone who suffers from anxiety? Then you must be able to relate and identify with all the weird things anxiety makes you do.

Suffering from anxiety is similar to feeling like a walking-talking ball of stress. You are always waiting for things to go wrong; not because you like chaos and negativity, but because that’s simply how your mind functions.

Even when things seem fine, your anxiety will tell you otherwise, and will constantly make you look for the scary things, even when there isn’t any. Exhausting? Irritating? Yes, these are just two words to describe how an anxious person feels for the majority of their time.

There are so many weird things people do because of anxiety, they feel differently, act differently, so let’s take a look at some of the things you’d relate with anyone who suffers from anxiety.

Here Are 11 Weird Things Anxiety Makes You Do

Weird Things Anxiety Makes You Do
Weird Things Social Anxiety Makes You Do

1. You always imagine the worst in every scenario.

Even before you embark on a journey, fear creeps into your mind that there will be a terrible accident. Without any reason you visualize everything going wrong on the holiday you are about to take. When you fall sick, you imagine you have got a terrible disease.

There can be countless things you fear which may seem silly to others. But, in your mind, you are convinced. These fears are real to you.

Related: 11 Unusual Things You Do Because Of Your Anxiety

2. You overthink about the smallest of things.

A simple comment or a remark can make you ponder over it again and again. Conversation with your boss or the way he looked at you may haunt your mind when there is nothing really serious. You may obsess about the fact that your boyfriend hasnโ€™t picked up your last few calls, and you worry you had annoyed in some way.

What things do people with anxiety do?

People not affected with anxiety cannot even imagine why such small little things bother you.

3. You have trouble falling asleep even when you are sleep deprived.

Your brain is too strained and overactive. Even if you want, you canโ€™t just fall asleep because you have too many things to think over about the happenings of the day. Your brain cannot relax and shut off.

So, your sleep is short and you wake up very early with a mind clouded with worries. You may not be able to sleep again during the day as you canโ€™t drive away anxiety once you are awake.

4. You reject invitations even if you want to go out.

Anxiety can drain people of their energy so much so that they canโ€™t gather enough strength to go out in society and enjoy it. Even if you were super excited before all the enthusiasm fizzles away and you simply drop the idea of attending the party.

5. You constantly feel scared of saying something stupid and wrong.

Whether you had an argument or a normal and pleasant conversation, you keep replaying it in your mind to find out if you had said something wrong. You donโ€™t want to get into any confrontations and to ensure that you constantly scan your words and look for faults.

The Weird Anxiety Feeling You Go Through

It is a dangerous thing to do as it can make you very weak from inside. You need to tell yourself, it is only anxiety that is making you do this.

Related: 18 Things That Any Anxious Over Thinker Will Understand

6. You always compare yourself with others.

You may be aware of comparing your own achievements with others is both wrong and harmful. But, if you are affected by anxiety, you canโ€™t help yourself.

When you see how people of your own age are getting their dream jobs and what great life they are leading, you feel stressed. You feel low and imagine if you would ever be able to reach similar heights.

7. You are easily worried with words of concern.

When you are down with an anxiety attack, the symptoms are quite visible. Anybody who sees you may just ask if you were okay. But, even kind words of concern may make you feel worse.

You may feel this way for two reasons- either you donโ€™t want anyone to know about your condition or you just feel that if others are worried, you should worry even more about yourself.

8. You get very nervous when you think about the future.

You feel extremely anxious when people discuss the future. When someone tells you what they plan to do in the next five years and ask you about your plans, you hate it. Dealing with these questions is not easy for you. You feel you are not good enough compared to the person who asks you these questions.

Weird Things Your Anxiety Makes You Do
Weird Thoughts People With Anxiety Have

9. You blame yourself when others donโ€™t reply to your messages.

It could be anybody – your sister, a friend, your boyfriend, or a colleague when they donโ€™t reply to your message you think you are at fault when they could be just poor with communication.

People not suffering from anxiety may not even pay any heed to weird anxiety thoughts but because of your condition, your mind pushes you to worry about many unimportant things.

10. You feel unwell physically and mentally, most of the time.

One of the Anxiety can drain you mentally and physically. The constant fight to exist while living with anxiety and trying to feel okay is not easy. After being like this day after day, you may just find it impossible to get out of your bed one fine day.

You may need time and space to recuperate and gain strength. Anxiety is not something that one can just leave aside and continue with life. It can do very harmful things to a person, but a lot of people donโ€™t understand this fact.

Related: 11 Things People With Anxiety Want You To Know

11. You find it difficult to forgive yourself for the mistakes you make at work.

Even if you are always trying to give your best at work, an accidental mistake can give you immense anxiety. You go down on yourself and all you can manage to think is how badly others are thinking about you. You canโ€™t forgive yourself for days and weeks.

If you want to know more about the weird things anxiety causes you to do, then check this video out below:

Weird Things Anxiety Makes You Do

How To Calm Weird Anxiety Thoughts

  • Accept your thoughts.
  • Identify what triggers you.
  • Practice mindfulness meditation
  • Write down how you feel.

We agree that anxiety makes you do weird things but what’s important is how you deal with those thoughts. Be easy on yourself!

If you found this articles on weird things people do because of anxiety relatable, then share it and place your thoughts in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can anxiety cause irrational thoughts?

Having unusual or irrational thoughts is typically a sign of severe anxiety. However, different types of anxiety can cause different types of irrational thoughts.

What is fuzzy brain?

A fuzzy brain is also known as Brain fog, is characterized by forgetfulness, confusion, and a lack of focus or mental clarity.

How to stop the weird thoughts caused by anxiety?

To calm or stop weird anxiety thoughts, one needs to start by accepting their thoughts and identifying the triggers you. Engaging in mindfulness meditation or physical activities can also be helpful.

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11 Weird Things People Do Because Of Anxiety
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